Saturday, November 13, 2004

me : )
Posted by Hello

Hail to the King , baby.
Posted by Hello

Work is a four letter word because....

1) It cuts into my sleeping in time.
2) You have to deal with other peep's problems and then there is no one to help you deal with your own.
3) It doesn't pay enough.
4) The boss is quick to criticize you for doing something wrong, but when you get it right, he never says anything.
5) It doesn't pay enough.
6) The bathroom is too far away.
7) The cafeteria charges more for their food that anywhere on the planet.
8) It doesn't pay enough.
9) No bonuses!
10) You only get a like 50 cent raise every 2 years.
11) Did I mention that it doesn't pay enough ?!

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