Thursday, February 16, 2006

A man of a thousand deaths

Headaches can kiss my sweet as*

I hate headaches. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them.

And, yet, I still keep getting them. They seem to love me.

I am getting a migraine. Grrrr... And I am at work...more grrrrr. And, yes, I am writing a blog when I should be working....what are you gonna do about it - hehe.

I was so very happy that the twins got "uninvited" from American Idol. So verrrrrrrry happy. I was happy, happy, happy! But I was pissed that that woman, Brenna, got through. What a whiney beeeyach! Someone needs to smack her, too.

Ace and Paris and Lisa and Heather and Elliot and Robert all made it thru, making me additionally happy....happy enough to forget whiney-ass Brenna made it.

I hope this Advil kicks in soon. It is the 2nd one I have taken. I have to drive to my grandma's after work and driving 2 hours with a freakin' headache is no fun. It makes me one grumpy gus.

I won't be blogging for a few days cuz I will be out of town. Adios!

it is amazing what you can do with Paint Shop Pro .... and too much time on your hands - lol

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

"I haven't attempted to ski for years, but recently I decided to take another stab at it. I was hoping they'd done something about the gravity problem. Gravity is the biggest drawback to skiing. Without gravity, it would be a carefree activity: You'd put on your skis, head for the slopes, and just...hover for a while. Then it would be time for 'apres ski' (French for 'no longer skiing'). Instead, you have gravity. Huge amounts of it. Ski areas are located smack dab on top of giant gravity piles called 'mountains.' Most areas also use machines to make more gravity at night. Thus, powerful forces are always trying to suck you, the skier, down the mountain and into larged fixed objects such as buildings. This is why the No. 1 Rule of Skiing Safetly is: 'Never go up the mountain without a good reason, such that it is summer."

Stupid News Story of The Day

(I couldn't help it...her coat was so....soft...)

Mich. Man Sentenced in Sheep Abuse Case

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. - A man who pleaded no contest to a sodomy charge involving a sheep says he should not have to register as a sex offender.

Jeffrey S. Haynes said the state registry is intended to keep track of people who have committed crimes against humans.

But Calhoun County Circuit Court Judge Conrad Sindt told Haynes at his sentencing hearing that once he is released from prison, he must register with the Michigan State Police Public Sex Offender Registry.

Haynes, 42, of Battle Creek, was sentenced Monday to 2 1/2 years to 20 years in prison. He entered the plea in January. A no contest plea is not an admission of guilt but is treated as such for sentencing purposes.

Tamara Towns, an assistant prosecutor for the county, argued that Haynes should be ordered to register as a sex offender because once out of prison, he could prey on children or vulnerable adults.

Haynes said he is not a violent person and would not assault children.

"The prosecutor is being real hard on me for what I did," he said. "But I should not be treated as a child molester."

A telephone call seeking comment was left Tuesday at the Marshall office of defense attorney John B. Sullivan.

Police said Haynes had sex with a sheep at a Bedford Township farm on Jan. 26, 2005. The animal's owner caught him on the property and the sheep was found injured.

Haynes was arrested in June after a DNA sample taken from the animal matched Haynes' genetic material.

Haynes has prior convictions for burglary, home invasion and uttering and publishing, and was on parole for burglary at the time of the sex crime.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cheney's got a gun...

Cheney's got a gun. Hunters are on the run. Cuz, Cheney's got a gun. So run away, run away from his aim...yeah...yeah...yeah...yeah...yeah. Run away, run away, run, run away...

Sorry....had to do it. I was humming that song in my car on the way to work this morning and thought about Dick Cheney and his little hunting "accident." Sounds a little weird to me. But then, it is Dick Cheney. Maybe he started to have a heart attack and his trigger finger slipped or something. Or maybe he needs some new glasses. I heard that some other dude shot his hunting partner, mistaking his elbow for a squirrel. It's true! I like to do a Stupid News Story everyday in my my blogger blog. You can read about it there (it is funny!) Keep Cheney and this guy away from guns, please. Give them water pistols if they feel the need to hold a gun. Let them play those shooting games at the arcade, but for heaven's sake, don't let them go hunting!!!

Well, American Idol was on last night. I am hating those twin guys more and more everytime I see that show. They are such pansy-ass whiners. I am glad Simon called them out on their bad attitudes. But, I wish Simon would go smack 'em upside the head a few times. Bring their egos back down to earth. Somebody please!!! God, I hate those guys.

I was sorry to see the cowboy dude, Garet, go. But, his voice wasn't that great. Still, he made it to Hollywood and got to see the ocean and more people probably than he has ever seen in his whole life. Kudos to him. He has a great personality, and I would pick him over either of those twins any day.

That girl, Paris....she can sing. I think she will make it to the top 10. That is my prediction. That guy, Ace, he is good, too. We'll see how everyone does in tonight's episode.

But please, judges. Send the twins packing before someone gets hurt.

In other news, Rufus, the bull terrier, took Best In Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. It is like the Kentucky Derby of dog shows. I love to watch the dog shows. Mostly because I just love dogs. But I also like to watch to gain some knowledge on the breeds. Did you know that there is a dog called a Lowchen? Neither did I til I watched the dog show. I was rooting for the Norfolk Terrier named, Coco, but she didn't make it into the finals. I think she took second in the terrier group behind Rufus. She is sooooooo cute!!!!! I want a a dog! lol.

I talked to my grandma briefly last night to wish her a happy Valentine's Day. Her speech is getting really bad. My parents got her a hospital bed to put in her room so it would be more comfortable for her. I guess she has a bedsore and has thrush in her mouth from the antibiotics, which is why it is probably hard for her to talk. She just kept saying how good it was to hear from me and that she was looking foward to seeing me on Thursday.

I couldn't sleep last night. For one, Lil Oreo was running in her wheel all night and it kept hitting the glass of the cage and making this "thumping" sound. So, I shut the door to my room and that helped. But I guess most of the insomnia was just from doing too much thinking. It is best to go to sleep on an empty head. unfortunately, mine is full of thought these days.

I hope I can sleep tonight.

And I hope those twins get booted off of American Idol.

One can wish, can't they?

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

"Here's an explanation of the federal budget deficit in a Q and A format, which enables us to simplify complex issues, while at the same time wasting space:

Q. What is the federal budget deficit?

A. It is a gigantic number of dollars - like 300 jillion skillion drillion - that the federal government is spending, despite not actually having it.

Q. Is that legal?

A. It is if you have nuclear weapons."

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Oh, the things people do when they are bored.)

Okay, tell me once more how this happened?

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German youth who tied himself to a foldaway bed because he was bored was rescued by police after becoming trapped in its mechanism, officials said on Tuesday.

Neighbors alerted the police in the western German town of Schwelm after hearing the 16-year-old's cries for help late on Monday night.

When police entered the apartment, they found the bed had folded itself away and the red-faced youth was tied upside down to it with a tow-rope and wire and unable to free himself.

"He said he did it because he was bored," said Dietmar Trust, a spokesman for the local police. "He was visibly embarrassed but it was also a pretty amusing situation."

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Dictionary For Women

Argument (ar*gyou*ment) n. A discussion that occurs when you're right, but he just hasn't realized it yet.

Airhead (er*hed) n. What a woman intentionally becomes when pulled over by a policeman.

Bar-be-que (bar*bi*q) n. You bought the groceries, washed the lettuce, chopped the tomatoes, diced the onions, marinated the meat and cleaned everything up, but, he, "made the dinner."

Blonde jokes (blond joks) n. Jokes that are short so men can understand them.

Cantaloupe (kant*e*lope) n. Gotta get married in a church.

Clothes dryer (kloze dri*yer) n. An appliance designed to eat socks.

Diet Soda (dy*it so*da) n. A drink you buy at a convenience store to go with a half pound bag of peanut M&Ms.

Eternity (e*ter*ni*tee) n. The last two minutes of a football game.

Exercise (ex*er*siz) v. To walk up and down a mall, occasionally resting to make a purchase.

Grocery List (grow*ser*ee list) n. What you spend half an hour writing, then forget to take with you to the store.

Hair Dresser (hare dres*er) n. Someone who is able to create a style you will never be able to duplicate again. See "Magician."

Hardware Store (hard*war stor) n. Similar to a black hole in space-if he goes in, he isn't coming out anytime soon.

Childbirth (child*brth) n. You get to go through 36 hours of contractions; he gets to hold your hand and say "focus,...breath...push..."

Lipstick (lip*stik) n. On your lips, coloring to enhance the beauty of your mouth. On his collar, coloring only a tramp would wear...!

Park (park) v./n. Before children, a verb meaning, "to go somewhere and neck." After children, a noun meaning a place with a swing set and slide.

Patience (pa*shens) n. The most important ingredient for dating, marriage and children. See also "tranquilizers."

Waterproof Mascara (wah*tr*pruf mas*kar*ah) n. Comes off if you cry, shower, or swim, but will not come off if you try to remove it.

Valentine's Day (val*en*tinez dae) n. A day when you have dreams of a candlelight dinner, diamonds, and romance, but consider yourself lucky to get a card

Oooh la la

Nothing is better than to be surrounded by really hot men - hehe...

Gary Dourdan

Christian Bale

Matt Leinart

Jake Gyllenhaal

Terrence Howard

I want roses and champagne and diamonds or we're breaking up!

Happy Valentine's Day.

Or should I say, happy spend-your-money-on-a-bunch-of-crap-to-say-i-love-you-without-having-to-actually-say-the-words day. Or happy i-won't-be-satisfied-until-i-get-roses day. Or happy make-all-single-people-feel-crappy day.

I could go on, but I won't.

I like Valentine's Day, myself, not because of the potential for getting candy and cards and maybe even a flower or two, but because it is another holiday I can decorate for - lol. Yes, I am one of THOSE people. You know, the people who go into Michael's and buy cutesy little hearts and stuff to decorate their house or working space with. One of those people who sends out e-cards to everyone and their mother...sometimes, to their dog, too. One of THOSE people who feels the need to go to everyone's Myspace page and leave a cutesy little comment.

I am one of THOSE people.

And it doesn't just stop at Valentine's Day. Oh no! It also extends to St Patrick's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the king of all holidays, Christmas. (no, I don't decorate for Groundhog Day - I am not THAT bad).

Perhaps I am caving into the the commercialism and capitalism that has taken over every holiday by doing so, but so what. If I want to be a decorating fool, then I will! I will not stop til I have visited every Michaels, Target, and Wal Mart in town. I am unstoppable!

Yet, I do hate all the "importance" the jewelry, floral and candy stores stress on Valentine's Day. You know, the "Ev'ry kiss begins with Kay" commercials. You have seen them. Unless you are a guy and your significant other's name is "Kay," then that is just a lie.

Love is not about presents or about flowers. It is not about how much money someone spends on you. Who cares if you don't get some diamond ring? Who cares if your man doesn't get you those roses that you had your heart set on? The jewelry stores count on the fact that most people are greedy and want "stuff"....let me rephrase that.....expensive stuff. Sure, I like jewelry as much as the next girl, but I like my cheap silver rings and my costume jewelry earrings that I get at The Icing for like $7.50. I like those things. I think if I got some diamond ring or something really expensive, I would be afraid to wear it. After all, I did lose my high school class ring....twice - lol. (it was also found twice, but that is another story).

So, after all is said and done, what do I want for Valentine's Day? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. A phone call...a movie night...a card...those are nice things. But if my man were to give me some flowers or some jewelry, I won't be beyond accepting it (lol). I am not THAT crazy! I just don't put a monetary value on a relationship. And that is what these silly jewelry stores seem to be doing with their lame-ass commercials like, "When you think love, you think Rogers." Rogers can kiss my ass.

And no, I am not saying that because I haven't gotten fancy jewelry before (lol).

So, happy Valentine's Day.

Now, go get me some candy!

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

"The best tactic for skiing is: Never go DOWN the mountain. Always go SIDEWAYS, which involves less gravity. You want to creep laterally along the slope, like a giant parka-wearing crab, until you reach a safe place, such as San Diego. This can take months, but it is better than going down the mountain."

Stupid News Story of The Day

(I think somebody needs some new glasses.)

Man's Elbow, Mistaken for Squirrel, Shot

GOLDEN TOWNSHIP, Michigan - A man was shot and injured when his hunting partner mistook his elbow for a squirrel, authorities said.

Michigan State Police said George Arthur Sikkenga, 64, of Muskegon, Michigan was wounded Sunday morning in Golden Township, in Michigan's west-central Lower Peninsula.

Sikkenga was wearing camouflage clothing except for an orange hat, which he had covered with a hood after sitting down behind a tree, The Muskegon Chronicle reported.

His clothed elbow was all of him that was visible when his friend, Gregory Scott Wood approached from behind the tree and fired his weapon, which the Ludington Daily News described as a .17-caliber rifle.

Sikkenga was transported to a local hospital, where he was treated and released.

Police were investigating the shooting.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Can you pass 8th grade science?

What can I tell you? I was always a science nerd... hehe

You Passed 8th Grade Science
Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Science?

A case of the Mondays

"Looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays," to quote the greatest work movie ever made, Office Space.

Yep, I have a case of the Mondays alright. God, I hate Mondays. I know I have said this time and time again, but I am saying it again, just so that everyone on the planet will know. I hate Mondays.

I have been in such a bad mood these past few days. Granted, with all that is going on with my grandma, one can expect me to be more than slightly melancholy. But I have been plain grumpy! And for this, there is no real excuse (no, it is not PMS time, so I can't use that excuse....damnit!) Every driver that drives a little too slow or that feels the need to speed past me pisses me off. This morning I rejoiced as I saw a speeder get pulled over by a cop. Oh blessed day. When a driver speeds past me and cuts me off, I have no sympathy for that driver. I hope he got a nice, fat ticket...with extra relish.

Even at home I have no patience. I about screamed yesterday afternoon when a box kept falling over that I had put up several times already that day. Grrrr. And last night, I was ready to kill.....yes downstairs neighbors, not for loud music, but for their loud yelling and laughing. Why must people shout at someone when the object of their shouting is less than 10 feet away from them? Why?

Yeah, I have definitely been cranky...well, crankier than usual (hehe). Someone needs to just haul off and slap me a good one to bring me back to reality. I have been in such a daze lately.

My mom called today and told me that my grandma is really starting to go downhill. The doctor thinks she could be gone in as soon as a few days. I hope to God that I make it back in time to see her. I am going back over on Thursday night and am taking all of next week off from work, too. The selfish part of me wants her to hang on so I can see her again. But mostly, I just don't want her to suffer anymore. I got to talk to her for a few minutes today, and I could barely understand but a little bit of what she was saying, but just hearing her voice was all that mattered to me. Although she did sound glad to hear that I would be back on Thursday night. I sent her some flowers and a little teddy bear for Valentine's Day, too, and she got them this afternoon. I hope they made her smile.

I am so tired of writing depressing blogs, but I think sometimes it does help me to get this stuff out. I know my parents are already dealing with enough stress as it is. I want to be the strong person for them as much as for my grandma. I want them to know I will be there for them whenever they need me. And I think they know that.

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

"The first time I tried skiing was in 1964 at a ski area in southern New York state, where much of the time, instead of snow, you ski on frozen mud (or are we say in ski-area terminology, 'excellent conditions'). I went with my friend Lanny Watts, who knew how to ski, and who - after watching me fall down repeatedly while I was still in the parking lot - decided that the best way for me to learn would be to go straight to the top of the mountain and see what happened. What happened was, I slid off the chairlift and went back down the mountain very fast. By 'very fast' I mean that, because of the Theory of Relativity, after a few seconds I had traveled back in time back to 1963 and was still picking up speed when I penetrated deep into the woods. In fact, one of those trees later bore my child."

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Next time, try the bus.)

Man skips taxi fare, orders cab from victim

BERLIN (Reuters) - After dodging a cab fare, the last thing a man in Germany expected was to be reunited with his victim when he phoned for another taxi, police said Friday.

"The man was too shocked to run off this time," said a spokesman for police in the western city of Bochum. "He took it like a gentleman and admitted the game was up."

Police said that following a series of stop-offs in nearby Herne, the 30-year-old Romanian had ditched his driver without paying and then decided to order fresh transportation from a local taxi firm -- who sent the same man to pick him up.

Recognizing the offender, the driver called police, who arrested the man.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Weekend woes

Sunday night seems to come way too soon in the weekend. Just when you start to relax a little bit, WHAM...Sunday night is here.

I spent most of the weekend at my grandma's house visiting her. She is so thin. I was afraid to hug her, fearing I might break her bones or hurt her. Hugging her was like hugging a skeleton. She has lost so much weight since Christmas. If she weighs 100 pounds it would be a miracle.

The doctor came to visit her on Friday. He didn't bring good news. She has cancer in both lungs, in her liver and in her lymph nodes. She can try chemo, but it probably would do nothing but make her miserable. It could even kill her outright. At her weight and age, he doesn't even think she could survive chemo. All chemo would do, if anything, would maybe prolong her life a few weeks. Her cancer is not curable. The cancer will kill her. And it will do it fast. He gave her weeks to months to live. He even told my folks and I that she could be in a coma by Monday. That is how fast it could do her in.

I pretty much already knew that she would not live much longer. All I want is for her to spend the last bit of her life without pain. I know the pain comes and goes, but she does have morphine to ease it. And, so far, she doesn't seem to be suffering. She still tries to talk and laugh and wants all her friends and family to visit her and call her. She told us that she wants us to call anytime ... even at midnight. That is my grandma for you. She loves to talk and have company.

I feel like I should be around more. But I have to work. If she lived closer, I would go visit her everyday. My parents have made the commitment to be there 24/7 for her up until the very end. They won't leave her. My dad didn't even leave the house when I was there.

It is hard to see my grandma so thin and frail, but it is also hard to see my dad so stressed out and clearly shaken. I have never seen my dad cry, but when the doctor was explaining about chemo and hospice, I could see his eyes welling up with tears. It is hard to see your loved ones in so much agony, both physical and emotional.

What pissed me off was when my aunt Jean and her husband Bill came on Saturday and tried to take over, so to speak. I can't believe they had the nerve to tell my grandma's friends that they should call first before coming over, when my grandma made it clear to all of us that she wants her friends to come over anytime...without calling. She leaves an open invitation for anyone to come over and/or call whenever they want to. And Bill and Jean should respect her wishes. I wanted to tell them off soooo bad. But, at the same time, I didn't want to say anything that would cause my grandma any stress.

Another thing that was a sore point with all of my family, was that Jean and Bill were trying to talk my grandma into signing a living trust. She already has a will that was drawn up years and years ago, and has her funeral pre-planned and everything, and she has always been dead set against a living trust, so why do they feel the need to bring that up? It is her money. Her house. Her stuff. It should be HER decision and no one else's. End off story.

This is just not how the end of a person's life should be. It should not come down to who is in charge of the will and all that money crap. It should be about the grandma. Pure and simple. Leave the politics and greed out of it. My parents are there to help my grandma out. To get her water. To get her food. To help her to the bathroom. And, most importantly, to provide comfort and companionship in what is unarguably the hardest time in her life.

And that is what matters.

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