Here are a few newer sketches - I haven't drawn anything in a long time - lol
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Man Allegedly Steals Hundreds of Undies
(Polly wanna WHAT?)
Foul-mouthed British parrot banished by embarrassed keepers
(She's not dead yet!)
Dead woman shot in casket, mourners flee
(OHHH...OHHHHHH....Uh oh.)
Amorous couple sparks rescue drama
(Not the brightest crayon in the box, is he?)
What do you suppose he thought would happen?
Yes, this car really was THAT close to the car in front of it...this picture actually makes the car look further away than it was. I am glad this car was not behind mine!
Oh yeah...there was a big accident a little further up the road and everyone was at a near standstill. This driver was in a big hurry for nothing.
(Congratulations. It's a ... antichrist?)
Who wouldn't fall for such a clever trick?
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