You're the United Nations!
Most people think you're ineffective, but you are trying to completely save the world from itself, so there's always going to be a long way to go. You're always the one trying to get friends to talk to each other, enemies to talk to each other, anyone who can to just talk instead of beating each other about the head and torso. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, and you get very schizophrenic as a result. But your heart is in the right place, and sometimes also in New York.
Take the Country Quizat the Blue Pyramid
Friday, October 28, 2005
Things that make you go....BOO!
It is almost Halloween, so, of course, it is spooooooooooky time. Makes me think of scary movies and all those things that go bump in the night. I decided to make up a list of 20 of my favorite horror movie moments....the ones that really got me good....
(* warning - there are movie spoilers in here, so if you haven't seen the movies, then you might not want to read anymore - hehe)
1) The Excorcist....Regan's head spinning around....projectile vomiting....pretty much that whole movie is freaky-scary.
2) Alien - when everyone is at the table eating and talking and all of a sudden Kane starts choking and convulsing, and then WHAM....alien comes out of his gut. Great one!
3) Poltergeist - When Robbie looks under his bed and then sits back up, and there is that evil clown doll. That scene scared me shitless when I was a kid.
4) The Amityville Horror - when the priest is in the house and he hears that horrible voice saying "Get out!" - that one still gives me chills.
5) Psycho - 2 scenes here....the famous shower scene (no explanation needed) and the final scene where you find out that Norman's mother is really nothing but a pile of bones....then you see just how whacked out Norman Bates really is.
6) Rosemary's Baby - the final scene where you see the baby's eyes.....ewwww!!
7) Halloween - When Annie is in the car and sees the fogged up just know there is gonna be trouble!
8) Suspiria - in the beginning, when you see the eyes from out of the darkness of the window....scary!!!!
9) The Grudge - just the way that woman moves gives me the chills.
10) The Ring - when Samara comes out of the tv....made me look at tv's in a whole new way.
11) Friday the 13th - When Alice is on the lake at the end and everything seems peaceful and good, and then WHAM....up comes Jason.
12) A Nightmare on Elm Street - When Tina is getting whacked and climbing up the walls and you can see the cuts appearing on her skin but there's no one there.
13) Scream - the entire first scene where Drew Barrymore gets it.
14) Raiders of The Lost Ark - ok, so it's not a horror movie, but toward the end when those guys' faces start to melt, well, that is pretty freaky.
15) Texas Chainsaw Massacre - that whole movie is chalk-full of scary goodness.
16) Phantasm - the end when The Tall Man comes out of the mirror and grabs Mike.
17) Carrie - At the end when Sue is visiting Carrie White's "grave" and puts the flowers down.....and up comes Carrie's hand.
18) Jaws - when Hooper goes down to see the wrecked boat and pulls the shark tooth out of the hull, then the head of the dead body pops up ....BOO!
19) The Evil Dead - Cheryl and the tree - nuff said.
20) Night of The Living Dead - the scene with Barbara and Johnny and Johnny is attacked by the zombie - I didn't see that one coming.
Honorable Mention - The Birds - when Melanie is sitting outside the school and the crows start gathering up on the jungle gym...and little, by little, more and more gather up until they....... attack!
I am sure I missed a bunch of good moments, but these are probably my favorites.
(* warning - there are movie spoilers in here, so if you haven't seen the movies, then you might not want to read anymore - hehe)
1) The Excorcist....Regan's head spinning around....projectile vomiting....pretty much that whole movie is freaky-scary.
2) Alien - when everyone is at the table eating and talking and all of a sudden Kane starts choking and convulsing, and then WHAM....alien comes out of his gut. Great one!
3) Poltergeist - When Robbie looks under his bed and then sits back up, and there is that evil clown doll. That scene scared me shitless when I was a kid.
4) The Amityville Horror - when the priest is in the house and he hears that horrible voice saying "Get out!" - that one still gives me chills.
5) Psycho - 2 scenes here....the famous shower scene (no explanation needed) and the final scene where you find out that Norman's mother is really nothing but a pile of bones....then you see just how whacked out Norman Bates really is.
6) Rosemary's Baby - the final scene where you see the baby's eyes.....ewwww!!
7) Halloween - When Annie is in the car and sees the fogged up just know there is gonna be trouble!
8) Suspiria - in the beginning, when you see the eyes from out of the darkness of the window....scary!!!!
9) The Grudge - just the way that woman moves gives me the chills.
10) The Ring - when Samara comes out of the tv....made me look at tv's in a whole new way.
11) Friday the 13th - When Alice is on the lake at the end and everything seems peaceful and good, and then WHAM....up comes Jason.
12) A Nightmare on Elm Street - When Tina is getting whacked and climbing up the walls and you can see the cuts appearing on her skin but there's no one there.
13) Scream - the entire first scene where Drew Barrymore gets it.
14) Raiders of The Lost Ark - ok, so it's not a horror movie, but toward the end when those guys' faces start to melt, well, that is pretty freaky.
15) Texas Chainsaw Massacre - that whole movie is chalk-full of scary goodness.
16) Phantasm - the end when The Tall Man comes out of the mirror and grabs Mike.
17) Carrie - At the end when Sue is visiting Carrie White's "grave" and puts the flowers down.....and up comes Carrie's hand.
18) Jaws - when Hooper goes down to see the wrecked boat and pulls the shark tooth out of the hull, then the head of the dead body pops up ....BOO!
19) The Evil Dead - Cheryl and the tree - nuff said.
20) Night of The Living Dead - the scene with Barbara and Johnny and Johnny is attacked by the zombie - I didn't see that one coming.
Honorable Mention - The Birds - when Melanie is sitting outside the school and the crows start gathering up on the jungle gym...and little, by little, more and more gather up until they....... attack!
I am sure I missed a bunch of good moments, but these are probably my favorites.
Stupid News Story of The Day

(I want my mommy!)
Robber Blames Crime on Missing His Mother
EVANSVILLE, Ind. - A man who led police on a high-speed chase after a bank robbery in May says he was driven to commit the robbery because he missed his mother.
Terrence Lee Mackey, 63, during a sentencing hearing Wednesday, blamed the crime on the federal prison system, saying officials refused to jail him near his mother in Florida after he violated parole in 1982.
"I wouldn't be standing here today if I'd been sent to Florida like I asked," Mackey said.
U.S. District Judge Richard L. Young sentenced Mackey to 29 years in prison. He said he didn't trust old age to stop Mackey from committing more crimes.
Mackey and William "Ricky" Herrell were arrested after the white Corvette they were driving crashed into a river levee as they fled from police.
During the sentencing hearing, Mackey said he was leaning out of the window of the getaway car, firing two handguns at police. He claimed he did it in self-defense.
"The police were shooting at me," Mackey said.
Herrell, 26, is awaiting trial in the case.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Stupid News Story of The Day

(You know you're a bad shot when you miss a cow...twice.)
Cow slaughter backfires for man
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A man who twice missed while trying to shoot a friend's cow only to accidentally shoot a passer-by in the leg was fined Wednesday for what an Australian court described as a freak accident.
Rudolf Stadler, 61, agreed in April last year to shoot the troublesome cow which belonged to a friend who owns a hobby farm at Caboolture in tropical Queensland state.
Stadler lured the cow to a shed, and then took aim with his rifle. He missed. He took aim a second time, fired and missed again.
The second shot went through the back of the shed, a fence across a paddock and then through the door of a car being driven along a road behind the farm.
The bullet hit 46-year-old Carrie Tunning in the leg, the Brisbane District Court heard. Tunning, a passenger in the car, made a full recovery but Stadler was so distressed by the incident that he handed in his firearms license.
The court fined Stadler A$1,000 and banned him from obtaining another gun license for five years.
The cow was not so lucky, with Stadler eventually finding his mark.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Stupid News Story of The Day

(Able to leap building in a single bound? Not so much.)
'Superman' Hospitalized After Leap
GRAZ, Austria - A man who claimed he was Superman and could fly was hospitalized early Tuesday after leaping from a fourth-floor window, authorities said.
Paramedics rushed the 23-year-old man to a hospital in the city of Graz, about 120 miles south of Vienna, after he jumped from a window and suffered head and back injuries, police said.
They said the man — who apparently had drunk several bottles of red wine before attempting the jump — appeared at the window ledge at around 4 a.m. and shouted: "I am Superman! Nothing can happen to me!"
The jumper, whose name was not released, landed on part of a lower section and roof, sparing him from more serious injuries, authorities said.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Weekend Trip
I went to the Santa Barbara Zoo on Saturday. Of course, I took pictures and you can see them by clicking here. There was a crooked-necked giraffe there, a poop-eating gorilla, and 2 very amorous leopards. It was quite a trip - lol.
Funny Stuff From George Carlin
"Many people work on war plans; not too many work on peace plans. They even have a war college at Ft. McNair, Washington. They call it the National Defense University, but it's a war college. They don't have a peace college."
Stupid News Story of The Day

(And in the end, the soda bottle is mightier than the gun.)
Bottle ends shooting spree
MANILA (Reuters) - A German man killed two men and wounded two others with a pistol in a farming town in the northern Philippines before he was knocked unconscious with a soft drink bottle, police said Tuesday.
The trouble began when a 51-year-old German national who is married to a Filipino woman was summoned to the community hall to answer complaints from his neighbors accusing him of issuing threats Sunday.
During a heated argument with his four neighbors, the man pulled out a .45 caliber pistol and began shooting at people inside the hall, said Jefferson Soriano, chief of police in the northern Cagayan Valley region.
"The village chief and his deputy were killed on the spot," Soriano told reporters. "Two of his four neighbors were shot in the head and neck, while the others scampered for safety."
Soriano said the German man chased and shot at those who tried to escape. He was subdued after the wife of one of his neighbors hit him in the head with a soft drink bottle.
Police officers found the man still unconscious and took him to hospital. He now faces murder charges.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Stupid News Story of The Day

(Need more proof that people are idiots?)
Man Accused of Placing Lewd Photos on Cars
WEST BEND, Wis. - A 40-year-old man faces charges accusing him of placing photographs of his genitalia on the cars of women who parked at shopping centers.
The criminal complaint filed Thursday against Jeffrey J. Hein of Hartford said he told investigators he placed the photos on their cars because he thought they "would find it funny."
Hein was charged Thursday in Washington County Circuit Court with eight counts of lewd and lascivious behavior and five counts of disorderly conduct, all misdemeanors.
The complaint alleges Hein placed the photographs on cars seven different times, with the first occurring on Aug. 25 at a ShopKo store in West Bend and the most recent Tuesday at Hobby Lobby in West Bend.
Other episodes allegedly occurred at Paradise Golf, a Wal-Mart, a Kmart and a Sally Beauty Supply Store, all in West Bend, according to the complaint.
Assistant District Attorney Holly Bunch told Circuit Judge Annette Ziegler during a hearing Thursday at which bail was set at $3,000 that at least 14 additional charges would be filed Friday against Hein.
Other charges could also be filed in other counties, Bunch said.
The criminal complaint said Hein told investigators he was inspired by a pornographic Web site to photograph his private parts and then sell the pictures to the Web site.
But, when he was unable to do that, he "came up with the idea to play a joke on strangers" by putting the photographs in envelopes and attaching them to cars belonging to women, whom he picked at random whenever he went shopping, the complaint said.
Authorities said the vehicles belonged to women ranging in age from their teens to the mid-40s.
Investigators said Hein told them some of the women laughed when they looked at the photos.
If convicted on all counts filed Thursday, Hein could be imprisoned up to five years and nine months and fined up to $85,000. His next court appearance is scheduled Wednesday.
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