Thursday, July 07, 2005

Willy Jackson?

I was doing my normal scan-thru of Yahoo news stories this morning,
like I always do, when I came across this picture...

Along with the picture was a story about how much Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka looks like Michael Jackson. I didn't even associate MJ with WW until this article came out, and now I can't get the thought out of my head. Thanks alot Yahoo. You suck!

Happiness is . . .

... a new CD ROM drive for my computer. Yes, I broke down and bought a new one since the old one was shot to hell. This time I got a DVD/CD Rewriter. It cost a little more than the plain old CD Rewriter, but it will probably be better in the long run. It is an internal drive, so I had to take the cover off of the computer tower and plug it into the motherboard, but I figured it out and IT WORKS! Yippeee. Yeah, so it doesn't take me much to be happy as you can tell - lol.

I also got a new tire for my car since the front left tire was getting pretty bald. More happiness - lol.

(Reading back on this I have discovered that I am really pretty pathetic - lol)

Stupid News Story of The Day

(I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you...literally!)

Man Lights Himself on Fire to Propose

GRANTS PASS, Ore. - To prove his love, a 38-year-old man set himself on fire before getting down on one knee and asking his girlfriend to marry him.

About 100 people gathered to watch Todd Grannis perform the flaming stunt on Monday, which involved wearing a cape soaked in gasoline.

Grannis climbed up a 10-foot scaffold, was set on fire and then plunged into a swimming pool, dousing the blaze. Emerging unscathed, he got down on one knee and proposed, as a friend standing nearby slipped him the engagement ring.

"Honey, you make me hot," he told his sweetheart, Malissa Kusiek. "I hope I'm getting the point across that I'm on fire for you."

Kusiek, who has been dating Grannis for several years, said "yes," but added that she was a little angry because of the danger.

"At first I was mad, because I thought, 'He's not a stuntman,'" Kusiek said. "Then, of course, the tears started flowing. Of course I said yes. I was so thrilled."

Grannis said he came up with the stunt through the help of his friend, professional stuntman Eric Barkey. Barkey pulled out a photo of himself on fire and said, "You could do that," Grannis said.

Grannis met Kusiek, the owner of a local hair salon, when she cut his hair.

"I kept telling her sometime before I'm 50," said Grannis, who co-owns an Internet wholesale company. "She wasn't expecting it. She had no clue."

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Funny Stuff From George Carlin

"We have so many ways of saying hello. Howdy, hi there, how are ya, how ya doin', how's it goin', how do ya do, what's new, what's going on, whaddya think, whaddya hear, whaddya say, whaddya feel, what's happenin', what's shakin', que pasa, what's goin' down, and what it is. You know my favorite? ' How's your hammer hanging?' That's a good one, isn't it? Doesn't work too well with the women, though. Unless you're talking to a lady carpenter. Then it's perfectly acceptable."

Doldrums and Ho-Hums

It is Wednesday ... Hump Day, and I should be happy about that. Well, I am, kinda, but on the other hand, I don't even care. I am so tired today, even though I slept pretty well last night. I did have a weird ass dream though. I dreamt that I was walking through a forest or some kind of wilderness area with some people, and we saw a big rattlesnake ahead. I, along with all but one of the other people ran away from the snake, but this one stupid girl wanted to take a picture of it, so she got closer. And guess what...the snake bit her... sounds like a normal dream, huh. Well this is where it got weird. The snake not only bit her, but also started to swallow her while she was screaming for help, and then her body started to melt away, and pretty soon all that was left of her was a pool of girl soup. It was gross! And it was kinda scary. And very weird.

My doctor FINALLY returned my call about the referral I need to see an opthamologist. It only took them 2 weeks! UGH! But now, I have to go to the doctor on Monday because I haven't been to my primary care physician since 2003. I don't get sick much - lol. Oh well. At least they finally called back.

I got a postcard in the mail from my Ob/Gyn saying that my pap test was normal. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal, but after nearly 2 years of abnormal paps, this, to me, is a reason to celebrate!! No biopsies for me this time!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!

I wish it was time to go home. I want a nap! I am getting old I guess - lol.

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Ouch! My horoscope!)

Astrologist sues NASA over comet crash

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian astrologist who says NASA has altered her horoscope by crashing a spacecraft into a comet is suing the U.S. space agency for damages of $300 million, local media reported Monday.

NASA deliberately crashed its probe, named Deep Impact, into the Tempel 1 comet to unleash a spray of material formed billions of years ago which scientists hope will shed new light on the composition of the solar system.

"It is obvious that elements of the comet's orbit, and correspondingly the ephemeris, will change after the explosion, which interferes with my astrology work and distorts my horoscope," Izvestia daily quoted astrologist Marina Bai as saying in legal documents submitted before Monday's collision.

A spokeswoman for a Moscow district court said initial preparations for the case were underway but could not say when the hearing would begin. NASA representatives in Moscow were unavailable for comment.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Funny Stuff From George Carlin

"Here's a sign I don't like: AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. Now, if there's one thing I know about myself, it's that I'm definitely not authorized. I wouldn't even know where to go to get authorized. Can you do it by mail? Wouldn't baptism sort of authorize you? I go through the door anyway. If I get stopped, I say, 'Well, I may not be authorized for this, but I am authorized for other things. And your sign doesn't mention which things.' "

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Next time your sister asks you to take her test for her, just say NO!)

The things a guy will do for his sister...

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A young Russian man who dressed in women's clothes to take an exam for his sister was caught after his oversize bust gave him away, Interfax news agency reported Monday.

The youth's "unusually prominent female features," and heavy make-up drew security guards' attention and they stopped him from taking the test, Yasen Zasursky, dean of Moscow State University's journalism faculty, told the agency.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Troy Meadows (in Sequoia National Forest)
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4th of July Weekend

Well, I don't know about you, but I had a great weekend. We went camping ...again - hehe. Yep, I have become quite the weekend camper. I posted 1 pic on here and some more on my other blog I posted all the pics I took over the weekend on my Yahoo Photo Album. We camped Friday night at the Troy Meadows Campground in the Sequoia National Forest. Saturday night, we camped out in the Inyo National Forest in the Grandview Campground. I will write more about it tomorrow in my other blog. I am tired tonite, and I am going to bed - lol.

Funny Stuff From George Carlin

"There's a planet named Pluto, but we don't have one named Goofy. Goofy would be a good name for this planet. It certainly qualifies."

Happy 4th of July

Stupid News Story of The Day

(In order to protest the wasting of water, let's waste some water!)

Artist told to turn off taps in water protest

LONDON (Reuters) - A performance artist whose latest work, a running tap, aims to highlight water loss has been told to turn it off -- and stop wasting water.

Mark Mcgowen was planning to leave the tap running in a gallery in South London for a year, graphically wasting 15 million litres of water in the process.

Since he turned it on six days ago, tens of thousands of litres have already gone down the drain.

But the local utility, Thames Water, has taken a dim view.

"We are looking at our legal options," said a spokesman. "He can do everybody a favour by turning his tap off now."

Mcgowen, 37, hit the headlines two years ago when he pushed a nut with his nose seven miles across London pavements to Prime Minister Tony Blair's Downing Street residence to highlight the problem of student debt.

He says of his latest project: "Water is the elixir of life, we are all made of it and without it we are in trouble -- so stop wasting it."

But the tap exhibit has been switched on just as water companies in the south of England are looking at emergency measures to preserve supplies after Britain's second-driest winter for 100 years.

Whether Thames Water can force him to switch it off was not immediately clear but Mcgowen was in fighting mood on Monday.

"They want to start to prosecute themselves," he told Reuters. "They are wasting water when their profits are going up."

The German-owned company, which made profits of 182 million pounds last year, admits that around a third of London's water supply is lost in leaks from the city's 20,000 miles of pipes. It is in the process of repairing the damage and replacing the ageing pipes.

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