You know what these are. They are those emails you get like a thousand times a week from all of your friends, because they think they are VITALLY important that you read them. Well, we all know that good intentions count, but c'mon. Enough already. I get enough SPAM mail as it is. I surely have read just about every "needle in the gas pump" story, or "Dangerous email virus" email there is. Just so you know, here are a few examples of some email hoaxes...stories that are completely and utterly untrue...
Mall Parking Lot Knock Out PerfumeAnother stupid e-mail designed to instill fear in old woman. Two people pull up in a car trying to sell perfume in a mall parking lot. They offer a wiff. Um, no I don't buy perfume that often, but I get mine from those prissy nags that spray you as you walk by. The perfume is alleged to be a knock out drug and the unwitty victim is either robbed, raped, kidnapped or all of the above. This one has many variations in circulation All of which are fake. Alot take place at Wal-Mart, what up wit dat! {Hoax}
Flat Tire at the Savannah Mall, and Shady do GooderA woman notices a flat tire and while she changes it a man offers to help. He puts his briefcase in the trunk and changes the tire then asks her to give him a ride to his car. She says she has to go buy something and she will be right back. When she returns wit da Police, he is gone. The suitcase supposedly had kidnappin materials inside. Scaaaarrrryyyy! But there is no truth to it according to Savannah mall security and Savannah PD. This one took off across the country inspiring many copycats. But NO! {Hoax}
Old Navy, Abercrombie & Fitch, Gap; Money give awayI don't know how many times I have to say it. Nothing in this world is free. Especially money! Who in their mind would really offer to give someone a 25$ gift certificate for very 10 people I send an e-mail to. I mean I have a good50 people in my address book, let alone all the people on, my joke review mailing list. Just use some common sense. I know your saying well it can't hurt to send it, but damn. the gap and old navy are competitors, why would they work together? Don't ever believe it. {Hoax}
Flesh Eating Bacteria (Costa Rican Banana)Run away from the Necrotising Fasciitis!!! This beautifully written piece of drivel claims that Costa Rican bananas are infected with a virus that has decimated (a word that means reduced by ten percent) the monkey population. Now these Bananas are Lurking round your local grocers produce section. It was a good read, hope they get Dustin Hoffman for the movie. Don't you believe it. {Hoax}
Kentucky Fried genetically mutated Chicken like substanceLet's not be ridiculous! Do we actually believe that there are giant laboratories housing beakless, featherless intravenously fed chicken blobs. This one said the government made Kentucky Fried Chicken quit using the word chicken in reference to the meat they sell, due to its genetic alterations. Somebody needs kicked in the crotch over this one. {Hoax}
Cookie Recipe for Neiman MarcusThis well written piece of literature inspired many to send it on without regard to, um, thought, I guess. Man charges a recipe thinking he was paying $2.50 but instead paid $250.00. When the company refused to refund his money he vindictively sent the recipe out so everyone could have it. {Urban Legend}
Chain Letter that plays a Video ClipSend this to eleven people and the coolest video will pop up. For Pete's sake people! Emails cant play videos, there has to be an attachment and you have to actively play it. If you fell for this one you probably shouldn't be using email. {Hoax}
Dying Child Chain LetterAsks for your help to save this dying child from some terminal illness or another. I got one that said billionaire was going to donate $0.50 for every person that received this email. Another email tracker thing. I thought to myself if my child was dying and some billionaire offered a deal like this, I'd have to sharpen my axe. Evidently there is one that uses the Dave Matthew's Band to convince you of its validity. Wrong again. {Hoax}
There are many, many more examples, but I would run out of room before long if I listed them all. You can check out if you want to check them out. Pretty interesting stuff.