Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!

Just waiting around til my friend calls me to come pick her up from the bar - lol. I am the DD, but I didn't go out. I was just not up to it. I am still getting over this cold, and frankly, I don't want it to come back! But I do resolve to go out next year to ring in the New Year.

That is my only resolution. I don't normally do resolutions, but what the heck. It can't hurt

I have to go back to my mess of a living room. I am in the middle of "project organization." I am organizing my craft supplies and computer supplies. But to organize, you must first make a mess. And I sure have succeeded in that step - hehe.

Happy 2008!!!

--- someday I may even get around to revamping my blog template...but not tonite ;)

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well, have you?

pretty please?

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