Friday, December 31, 2004

Out with the old and in with the new....

Year that is....

So long 2004. Hello 2005 ! It is just 11 hours before 2005 officially begins. A lot happened in the world in 2004. Martha Stewart went to prison...Britney Spears got hitched (twice)...Janet Jackson had a "wardrobe malfunction"....Anna Nicole Smith lost all that weight, then lost all that money in a recent court settlement...The Los Angeles Lakers were dethroned ...Scott Peterson was sentenced to death for killing his wife and unborn son..and, of course, the horrible tsunami that killed so many people in Asia. 2004 also saw the loss of many celebrated entertainers such as music genius, Ray Charles and screen legend, Marlon Brando. But 2004 was not without its happy moments. J-Lo got married...again....another season of South Park made tv a happier place...celebrities continued to give their offspring "creative and interesting" (gag) names ..and The Red Sox finally won a World Series after decades and decades of losses. I had a pretty good year myself, really. I took a vacation and got to go to Boston, MA for a week, which was just awesome. I didn't get into any trouble...didn't get any traffic tickets....I lost about 40 pounds and started going to the gym (which I resolve to get my butt back in there once this cold spell is over!!! lol). Nothing really special happened to me this year, but then again, nothing terribly bad happened to me either, so that makes for an ok year by me. So, do I have any New Year's resolutions? Hmmm....well last year I resolved to stop making resolutions because you know those resolutions only stick for like a few weeks after the year begins, then it is back to the old way of doing things. All I can really do is to say I will TRY to : 1) be happier ... 2) stop with the road rage already ... 3) not get any cavities ... 4) be more open about my feelings ... 5) sleep better ... 6) take at least 1 trip somewhere fun ... and 7) enjoy life more. At least those are reasonable goals...if I were to, say, resolve to get engaged, well, that would just be silly of me... lord knows that is not gonna happen! (well one can always wish can't they? lol). If that happens this year, which it won't, I will eat worms....yes, I will eat worms...and then I will drink vinegar and walk outside naked yelling "look at me!" - lol. I will also do that if I win the lotto...good thing those won't happen, because I really don't like the sound of eating worms. (ick). Well, I can only hope that 2005 brings some kind of excitement to my life, because this year was just too boring. Farewell 2004. Let the good times roll.

Happy New Year.....have fun.......but be safe!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

That can only happen in the movies...right?

I can't help but to feel saddened by the tsunami tragedy in Asia. In fact, I don't think something has touched me more since 9/11. When I see the pictures of all the grieving people holding and the pictures of all the dead, it just makes me want to cry. Then it brings me back to earth, knowing that a tragedy like that can and did happen. It really makes you stop and think about your own life and the lives of your friends and family. It is something you just don't expect to happen, except in movies. I had to call my friend Alicia to make sure her brothers, who are living in Thailand, were ok, which they were. Thank goodness they are living inland! All those thousands of people gone....just like that. Within minutes, a whole population, vanished from the face of the earth. They say the total death toll can reach up to 100,00. That is almost half of the population of this city. I know death happens all the time around the world, but my is hard to picture that many people dead. But then, all you have to do is look on the internet at the pictures of the bodies of those poor people, and all of those children. Oh my gosh....all of those poor children! But there were some miracles. I read that a 20-day old baby was found alive, floating on a raft or something. It is hard to believe that something so small and defenselss could survive the massive wall of water that claimed so many lives. To be honest, it makes me sort of happy I live here in Bakersfield, which is far from the ocean. I am happy that my friend's brothers are ok...and I pray for all of those poor souls who lost their lives and also for the survivors who lost many of their friends and family. I don't know what kind of good can come out of a tragedy like that, but hopefully, there will be some sort of silver lining to that cloud, for it is a dark cloud indeed.

Monday, December 27, 2004

getting closer to the 2 million mark - I have no life!!!! This is all I have...give me a break! lol
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Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas revisited

Merry belated Christmas.....hope yours was positively grrrreat. My family and I all went to my grandma's house for Christmas. You can see a few of the pictures of my family and some of the places we visited during the last few days below. My mini-vacation started off well....we went out to eat, stayed up and watched some tv, and we actually got along most of the time. We went up to Gilroy and Salinas on the 23rd for some shopping, and stopped off in King City, my old stomping ground. We went up to Santa Maria on the 24th. It was a beautiful day. It was so nice and warm and just sunny and cheery. So unlike Bakersfield, which I heard was cold and foggy. On a few occasions, my brother was his usual punk-self, and my dad was somewhat of a grumpy gus one evening, but for the most part it went well for everyone.....everyone but me that is. You see, I got sick....pukey sick, on Christmas morning, and spent most of Christmas day laying in bed and sleeping. Either it was something I ate, or I got the flu again. Figures! I didn't get sick on Turkey Day, so I HAD to get sick on Christmas. I am feelin' a little better now, just weak from not eating and kinda dehydrated. I overestimated myself today and got me a Pollo Bowl from El Pollo Loco (MMMM good), and ate about 1/4 of it, and now I feel icky again. But I was hungry!!! My family all went out to eat for Christmas dinner and I stayed back at my grandma's laying in bed, but they were nice enough to bring me back a piece of banana cake (which is still in the fridge - I will eat it when I feel better). I had a nice Christmas though, despite the pukeage. I got some perfume (which smells soooooo good), a necklace (gotta love the jewelry!!!), a cool Zen garden and Sonic coupons (thank you Veronica!!), some soft slippers and the softest, warmest, cutest robe ever (thank you Alicia!!), a cute little angel candle (thank you Arlene!!), and lots of jammers and clothes from my grandma and folks. Of course there was also the candy and cookies and oh my gosh sweets, which, if I had anymore of right now, I would probably explode! And now that it is all over, I feel better. I think the holidaze blues are behind me ...for this year. I am going to leave up my Christmas tree til New Year's though. I love the softness of the lights and the feeling it brings to walk into my living room to see it all lit up. I can't explain it really. It just makes it feel more like home. But next year, I promise to get my shopping done earlier!

My grandma Lorene - we spent Christmas with her : )
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another view of "beautiful" King City, CA
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my mom - striking a pose for the camera - say "cheese" mom!
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my mom (hidden by the huge cup) and my bro - gotcha!! he he
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my mom looking "shady" in the car on our trip up to Gilroy, CA
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my dad watching tv at my grandma's house - blissfully unaware that my bro was taking his picture - he he
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another view of St John's in King City, CA
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St John's - I went to school here - sadly, it is no longer a school
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King City, CA - where I grew up - population of around 11,000 or so
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My new Collapse high score of 1,738,582 - stupid addictive game!
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