Friday, December 03, 2004
The Joys of Apartment Life
Ok, so apartment life is not THAT bad. There are worse things that living in an apartment....a root canal, being stuck in Los Angeles traffic, having pneumonia....yeah, those are definitely worse. But living in a small, little place where you can't paint the walls or change that uglier-than-sin carpet is not so great either. For one thing, you usually get stuck living next to the noisiest person in the world, who has no concept of volume control and has completely forgotten the fact that MOST people, contrary to his/her belief, do not like to listen to extremely loud spanish music, and especially not at 2 am. I have had 2 such neighbors in these last few years I have lived here. The one who lives next to me actually has toned his act down considerably....probably due to the fact that people have complained about him to the manager (no, it wasn't me!). The one who now lives below me likes to turn his spanish music on full blast at 7 am and 2 am...whichever he feels like doing. I guess he doesn't have to work in the morning or something...unlike me. And not only is the music extremely loud, but it also makes my floor vibrate. Now normally, things that vibrate are good. But not in this case. It would be so nice if people could be just a little considerate, but then, I think that would be asking too much! The next thing that bugs me about apartment living is the parking. Now we are all designated a parking spot that has our apartment number right above the spot. But, inevitably whenever someone new moves in, they end up having friends over and they don't inform them that they cannot park in OUR spots. The last thing I wanna do when I get home from work is to see a car parked in my spot, which of course, SHOULD be empty, since I am the only one who is supposed to park there. Oh, and then there are the cars who have those alarms on them that go off ALL night now! I can hear someone's alarm going off. It is the second time tonite that it has gone off. But I digress. Also, the walls in this apartment are very thin, and people often forget this. You would be surprised at what kind of things you can hear through the walls! I guess what really bugs me the most, is the fact that I live alone, and it gets pretty lonely sometimes....and scary even. I mean, the other day I knocked the lamp off the ceiling and it hit me on the back of the head. I am surprised I didn't give myself a concussion! (those who know me, know I am a klutz, and weren't at all surprised when I told them this story) I could just imagine having something heavier hitting me and knocking me out and me just laying on the floor for hours until I woke up....IF I woke up at all. I have also nearly choked on a crouton (don't ask) and could just imagine if I had choked to death in my apartment and no one even knowing I was missing.I can see the headline now...."Death by crouton. Story at 11." You see those shows on tv where people smell something nasty coming from a house or apartment and then come to find that the person who lived in the smelly apartment (or house) had been dead for days...weeks even. As morbid as that sounds, it is something I have thought about, especially after that near-crouton-choking incident. It would be nice to have someone there when I had a nightmare (as I often have) or when I have one of those freaky-scary low blood sugar attacks. It would just be nice to be able to come home from work and have someone there to massage my feet. That is all I want in life. Someone who loves me enough to massage my stinky feet. Well, it is almost 2 am, and no sign of my neighbor's music tonite. Thank goodness for small miracles. I better get some sleep before he wakes up and turns it on...
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Internet perverts tick me off!
Ok, what I want to know is WHY do guys feel it is necessary to bother me while I am online, with a stupid instant message like, "Hey baby, wanna see my cam?" or "I'm naked and horny. Talk to me." Makes me wanna gag. I don't have anything on my profile advertising that I would want to see that kind of crap. I mean, not EVERYONE in the world is a pervert. Why would ANYONE want to see that? What is the point? So what if the guy is naked.....everyone is naked at some point during the day! I mean, people have to shower! I get on my computer to play games or do crosswords or do a project or write here in my Blog.....NOT to be harassed by stupid guys (and girls!) who want to be all perverted. Get a life ! I bet their mother's are REALLY proud of them, all naked and doing gosh knows what else on a web cam. And then when I tell them I don't wanna see them, they have the nerve to tell me I am a prude, or I must be frigid, or I must not like sex....or whatever other kind of insult they can come up with. I think it really bothers them to be rejected or something. Frankly, I am NOT a prude or frigid, and I am not a sex hater. I am just normal (well as normal as a person can be). And if that is a sin, then let me go straight to hell.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
A few words about PMS
Men are lucky. They don't have to deal with the whole PMS thing like we women do. Ok....they indirectly have to deal with it, I will give that to them. But dealing with it on a personal, emotional and physical level, well, just sucks. And it doesn't just sucks big, hairy donkey balls (that is my new catch phrase of the moment). I mean it is not just the nastiness which is tampons and maxi is a whole 'nother ball game. First, there is the bloating, which makes putting on shoes and pants a challenge. And it is just darned uncomfortable, too. It is feeling like you have gas and are going to explode at any moment. Does that sound fun??And then there are the cramps. I have RA (or lupus....whatever the doctor decides...but that is another story!) and fibromyalgia, and having to deal with pain on a daily basis is just a part of life for me. But to ADD to that pain is just plain wrong! Oh yeah, you can take Midol or other pain relievers to "get rid" of the pain...and I say "get rid" because they NEVER completely get rid of the pain. And of course the pain usually extends to your back, which just makes sitting up so incredibly cumfy (haha). Oh and then there is the emotional side of PMS....the side that makes me cry every time I see some commercial for the SPCA with the little kittens who need a good home...or those St Jude ads...or sometimes, when I am especially emotional, ANY commercial with a baby in it will start up the tears.And the reverse often happens too. I mean there are times during PMS when I just want to flat out whack that danged driver who just took my parking spot, or lay the smack down on that person who just took the last package of Oreos! And it is not because I am insane....or maybe I am. Maybe PMS is just a nice term for temporary insanity. And all of this stuff happens BEFORE the actual "M" happens. And all of it continues until the cycle is over. So, basically, a good (or bad) 10 days out of the month I am "temporarily insane." And men wonder why we are so tempermental! Good lord! If they REALLY knew what goes on in our minds when our hormones are totally out of whack, they would understand and maybe show us a little smidgen of sympathy. So, with that thought in mind, I am gonna go lie down with a bowl of Oreos and watch a sad
All I want for Christmas is......
1) A hug from someone who loves me.
2) Some pain medicine that actually works!
3) A pair of fuzzy slippers to keep my feet warm.
4) A diamond ring ( ha ha - thought I'd put that in there for a humor effect)
5) A big teddy bear.
6) Another hug.
7) Maybe a kiss too.
8) Someone to hold me when I am cold.
9) No more pain!
10) A white chocolate mocha from Starbucks.
2) Some pain medicine that actually works!
3) A pair of fuzzy slippers to keep my feet warm.
4) A diamond ring ( ha ha - thought I'd put that in there for a humor effect)
5) A big teddy bear.
6) Another hug.
7) Maybe a kiss too.
8) Someone to hold me when I am cold.
9) No more pain!
10) A white chocolate mocha from Starbucks.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Men Suck because....
1) They NEVER call.
2) They cannot say the dreaded "L" word.
3) A romantic evening is easily spoiled by 3 words..."Bears vs. Cowboys"
4) They cannot understand why we women need an hour to shop for shoes.
5) When they get grey hairs, they look distinguished. When we women get them, we just look old.
6) Commitment? What is that? And why do you need it?
7) They never send you a birthday, Christmas, or any kind of holiday card. Or a present for that matter.
8) They never send you flowers unless they are in trouble.
9) It takes them just 5 minutes to get ready and look great, whereas it takes us women hours.
10) It takes them years to decide whether or not they love you, but only minutes to decide if they want to sleep with you.
2) They cannot say the dreaded "L" word.
3) A romantic evening is easily spoiled by 3 words..."Bears vs. Cowboys"
4) They cannot understand why we women need an hour to shop for shoes.
5) When they get grey hairs, they look distinguished. When we women get them, we just look old.
6) Commitment? What is that? And why do you need it?
7) They never send you a birthday, Christmas, or any kind of holiday card. Or a present for that matter.
8) They never send you flowers unless they are in trouble.
9) It takes them just 5 minutes to get ready and look great, whereas it takes us women hours.
10) It takes them years to decide whether or not they love you, but only minutes to decide if they want to sleep with you.
Bah Humbug
It doesn't take much observation to see that Christmas is just around the corner. The freeways are getting busier, people are getting ruder, and it is becoming increasingly difficlut to find a parking spot in parking lots. You can tell why I almost hate this time of year. Never have I seen a picture of a Santa Claus with a frown on his face....he is always smiling, cuz he is a jolly sort of person. So what turns people into monsters in what is supposed to be a jolly, happy season? I am still trying to figure that one out myself. Maybe it is that quest for the perfect toy. You know, the one parents try to get for their kids, but not for the kids really, but so the kids can brag to the other kids about how THEIR mom or dad got them the new super powered, interchangeable, laser equipped, spaceship/range rover...or whatever the latest craze is. The whole season has become so commercial that people forget what the holiday was made for in the first place. The holiday, to me, is about celebrating love and family, and nowhere into that equation does that require me to go out into a crowded mall to fight over some stupid toy. I mean presents are nice. And there is nothing wrong with wanting a certain something for Christmas. But I have been witness to people who get something for Christmas and are so ungrateful for what they got that it just sickens me. It is the thought that counts after all (unless you get polyester pants, which in case, you may complain and return to your heart's content!) I am not really into getting presents as much as I am into giving presents. It is just a "me" thing. I love to go shopping and find that perfect little something for the people I care about. Not something big, expensive and trendy... but something small and meaningful, that really shows I put alot of thought into instead of a lot of money. I think those are the best kinds of gifts. I never complain about not getting presents, because I figure if I don't get anything, then I must have been bad in the first place to not have gotten anything (LOL). Personally, I would be happy with just a Christmas card! And even then, I don't always get that, which, to be honest, does hurt my feelings a little. And then I can't help but to feel sad for the people who have no family and no friends, and who have to spend the holidays alone. I am thankful that I have my family and friends to spend my holidays with. But then, I do get lonely when I see all these happy couples walking around, holding hands and kissing under the mistletoe. This time of year always depresses me, and it makes me understand how so many people can get depressed around this time of year. I just want a happy Christmas, even if I have no significant other around to share it with. The happiest Christmas I can imagine, in my present state (lol), would be one where people are courteous and kind, the streets are traffic-free, and parking spaces are abundant....and maybe a little less "It's A Wonderful Life" on tv. But that is never gonna happen, so I will just grin and bear it, and have as good a time as I can have this holiday season.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Things That Sound Dirty At Christmas Time, But Aren't
1) Can I shake your present?
2) Don't bite that candy cane. It's too hard. You need to suck on it.
3) Watch out or you will break my balls!
4) Can I try a piece of your pie?
5) If you shake the package too hard, it might break.
6) Those are some huge balls on that tree!
7) Spread the legs so I can get this stuffing in.
8) I hope Santa eats my cookies!
9) If you are a good girl, Santa will fill your stocking.
10) You better eat all of your meat or you won't get any dessert.
1) Can I shake your present?
2) Don't bite that candy cane. It's too hard. You need to suck on it.
3) Watch out or you will break my balls!
4) Can I try a piece of your pie?
5) If you shake the package too hard, it might break.
6) Those are some huge balls on that tree!
7) Spread the legs so I can get this stuffing in.
8) I hope Santa eats my cookies!
9) If you are a good girl, Santa will fill your stocking.
10) You better eat all of your meat or you won't get any dessert.
Coco and Apple and Phinneas oh my!
My best friend and I were talking online last nite about baby names, as she is pregnant and is going to have a baby in late April. She says she is stuck on picking out a girl's name right now, and was running through some baby name ideas with me. She likes the names Mikayla and Brianna alot but isn't quite sure they go with her last name and not too sure if she will like the nicknames those names would have. I am just happy she is putting a lot of thought into the naming of her child, as some people sure haven't! (or if they have spent a lot of time thinking and came up with a name like, let's say, Rocketship, then they have some serious problems!) It seems like celebrities are the worst at picking out names, and it is even worse when these celebrities pick out these hideous names (like Jet or Apple) and suddenly these names become trendy, paving the way for a future of very angry and tormented kids. But celebrities think they are special and that they are expected to give their kids off the wall names. I think people should stay away from naming their kids after a fruit, or any kind of food product period! I can just imagine someday (after I have a kid first of course), having my kid come home and introducing her friends Mango, Pumpkin and Oregano to me. Or having my son have his friend Bayleaf stay the night. As for me, I love the names Lauren Amber (or Amber Lauren), and Nathaniel Adam , which are nice, sensible and not too long names. You do have to think though about what their initials would spell. For instance, if your last name was Smith, you would not want to name your child Ashleigh Samantha. Or if your last name were Whittier, you would not want to name your kid Raymond Alexander. And in no instances would you want to nickname your child B.J. There are just some things that are better left for comedy I would never name my kid matter if it was a family name or not! Sometimes old names remain unused for good Harriet or Hilda. As for names, I can only speak for myself when I say that I would not name my kid any of the following names:
Candy, Star, Rainbow, Apple (or any other kind of fruit or food name), Jet, Queen, King, Prince, Princess, Hamlet, Superman, Phinneas, Placenscia, Diva, Chastity, Lemuel, Blue (or any other color for that matter), Rex, Tiger, Assylyn, Griselda, Hildegarde, Humphrey, Hugo, and Silent Tears.
Personally, I like nice, simple names which will not make my child end up getting teased and beaten up over. I can only say, that if I ever have a child, I will ne nice and give him or her a nice, normal name, and hopefully he or she will thank me someday for not giving him or her a name like Fallopia or Poindexter.
Candy, Star, Rainbow, Apple (or any other kind of fruit or food name), Jet, Queen, King, Prince, Princess, Hamlet, Superman, Phinneas, Placenscia, Diva, Chastity, Lemuel, Blue (or any other color for that matter), Rex, Tiger, Assylyn, Griselda, Hildegarde, Humphrey, Hugo, and Silent Tears.
Personally, I like nice, simple names which will not make my child end up getting teased and beaten up over. I can only say, that if I ever have a child, I will ne nice and give him or her a nice, normal name, and hopefully he or she will thank me someday for not giving him or her a name like Fallopia or Poindexter.
Turkey Day Distress
Well, now that Turkey Day is finally over, all I can say is "thank goodness." With all the eating, traffic, and football games, I am surprised I am actually still sane. I spent my holiday at my grandmother's house, and , although I love my grandmother and my family, I could only stand to stay there for 2 nights. First of all, she keeps her house VERY must have been 90 in there. I actuallyhad to go out of the house to cool off. And I can't quite understand why she keeps the heater on all day and night, yet leaves the bathroom window open. I am sure that will be something I won't be able to answer in my lifetime. Secondly, the bed which I am forced to sleep on is about 40 years old, and the mattress has places on it where you can actually feel the mattress springs with your hands. And if you can feel them with your hands, you can only imagine how they feel on your back! Thirdly, and this is perhaps the most important part of why I could only stay for 2 nights at my grandma's, is she only has one television And, Turkey Day is full of football games, and this year, James Bond marathons on tv. I think if I hear the James Bond theme song once more time, I will scream! Just say "NO!" to James Bond....and also to those Orange County Chopper people on The Discovery Channel...they also decided to have a marathon. So after we got done eating turkey, the rest of the day was spent at my grandma's with my dad flipping between James Bond and OC Choppers. UGH!!!! I could have complained, but it would not have been nice. Anyway, now that Turkey Day is over, I can only look foward to Christmas, which undoubtedly will be full of marathons of "It's a Wonderful Life", and "A Christmas Story." ... you know, that movie with the little blonde-haired kid with glasses who nearly shoots his eye out... at least I like that movie. But hopefully, I can spend my Christmas evening in my house, or at my folks' where there is more than one tv set.
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