Friday, June 10, 2005
Funny Stuff From George Carlin
Stupid News Story of The Day

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - An ice cream man felt the heat from law enforcement after he was arrested on charges of selling drugs along with his other frosty fare.
Authorities said Marshall Gene Beasley, 27, could be facing more chilling bars — those of prison — after he repeatedly sold undercover officers marijuana over the past two months while selling ice cream. He was arrested Wednesday.
"This is a guy going down neighborhood streets who's around and near children," said David McGriff, drug task force director. "I'm not saying he sold to children, but we bought marijuana from him while he was operating the ice cream truck."
The company Beasley worked for will get back the truck and its stock because there's no evidence the business knew of his activities.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Goings on
The weather has been crazy. For a while, it was getting up into the 90's, but this week it has been in the high 70's and low 80's. But this weekend, it is supposed to get back up to the 90's again, and is supposed to stay in the 90's all next week, too. Yesterday it got all cloudy and windy, and today it is kinda windy too. Weathermen here must be going nuts.
Tomorrow is Friday! Woo hoo! Next week is a 4-day work week, and then I am on vacation! Of course, I have to go to the opthamologist next Wednesday, and that is gonna suck big time. I hate having my eyes dilated! Sometimes, it sucks to be me - lol.
Some things I hate...
Stupid News Story of The Day

PORT WENTWORTH, Ga. - A snake in the grass is to blame for a teenager shooting himself in the leg, police said. A 16-year-old boy was mowing his lawn Tuesday when he saw a snake slithering toward his dogs, which were chained in the front yard, police said.
Worried about the canines, the boy ran inside and grabbed a .22-caliber pistol, said Port Wentworth police Sgt. Loren Scholes.
The boy came back outside and when he saw the snake at his feet, he hastily aimed and fired. The bullet entered his right calf and exited near his heel, Scholes said.
The boy was taken to an area hospital. Police said the wound was not life-threatening.
Scholes said he did not know what kind of snake it was, but "from what he described, it sounded as big as a freight train." The sergeant added that the reptile apparently escaped unscathed.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Feelin' funky
The truth is, I haven't written a poem or story in months. I haven't even sketched anything in the last few months, aside from my doodles at work. I get obsessed with things for a while, then get bored and find something new to get obsessed over. Like drawing...I was drawing all the time for a while...then I started in on writing... then playing guitar...then it was computer stuff. I wish I could just find something to do and stick with it - lol.
I am always sleepy these days. I think I have become somewhat jaded as far as work goes. It was nice at first to not have to deal with cases and clients, but sometimes I get so bored. There are only so many games I can play...(and Yahoo only has one new crossword puzzle per day - lol). Still, I would rather not be overloaded with work again. I would like to obtain some kind of happy medium...not too much work, but not too little. People will probably think I am crazy for wanting work - lol. I do get to be in charge of the decorating for the 4th of July in our unit. That is something right up my alley - hehe.
Here it is, Wednesday...Hump Day. It feels like it should be Friday already. This week is dragging along....crawling along more like it. And it is not even 3 pm yet. Sheesh. Why does time never fly when you are doing something you don't like doing, but fly by too fast when you are enjoying yourself? One of life's little unfairnesses I guess.
I can't wait for my vacation! I really can't. I am so looking foward to not having to get up early in the morning just to go to work. Even if it is only for a week or so. Plus, I get to see the Grand Canyon for the first time. I know it doesn't seem like much, but to me, it is a lot. I am gonna take so many pictures! Also, I may go back to Yosemite next weekend, since all of the roads (except Tioga Rd) are now open. I love that place. It is so pretty there. Chris talked about it, so we'll see what happens.
Ok, I have blabbed on for long enough. Time to get back to work.
Stupid News Story of The Day

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German woman living with 43 goats was evicted from her rented house after the animals left "knee-high" piles of droppings around the garden and laid waste to the building's interior, authorities said Tuesday.
A court in the southwestern town of Saarburg said the woman had been forced out because she was behind on her rent and had allowed the condition of the house to deteriorate to such an extent that it may have to be torn down.
"The goats' droppings were basically piled up knee-high around the garden, and inside the house everything was chewed up. And it stank," said court spokesman Manfred Grueter.
"It was total chaos," he added. "It's pretty doubtful as to whether the place can still be lived in."
The woman, a freelance artist in her early forties, had resisted eviction on the grounds her life with the goats had been used to create a "social sculpture" inspired by the German sculptor Joseph Beuys.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Funny Stuff From George Carlin
Stupid News Story of The Day

MELBOURNE (Reuters) - An Australian woman was found to be carrying 51 live tropical fish after custom officials were alerted by "flipping" noises coming from beneath her skirt as she arrived at Melbourne airport.
On closer inspection, officers discovered the woman had strapped on an apron of plastic water-filled bags containing the fish, the Australian Customs Service said in a statement on Tuesday.
"During the search, customs officers became suspicious after hearing 'flipping' noises coming from the vicinity of her waist," said the statement.
The 43-year-old woman arrived in Melbourne on a flight from Singapore last Friday. Customs are still trying to determine what type of fish she brought into the country and have not yet charged her with an offence.
She could face charges for breaking quarantine and customs laws for bringing in the fish without giving a declaration.
A search of the woman's home in Melbourne found another five fish.

This is a picture of the woman's skirt - Smells like fish down there ...sorry, that was bad....but I couldn't help it. This is just too easy - lol
Monday, June 06, 2005
Well color me special
Your IQ Is 125 |
![]() Your Logical Intelligence is Exceptional Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average Your General Knowledge is Genius |
The same goes for sayings like, "I would bend over backwards for you." I think that would only be useful if you really wanted to see some acrobatics and there wasn't a circus in town. I don't think it would help in situations like, let's say, you needed a ride to work. Bending over backwards can only take you so far.
I never got the expression, "by the skin of my teeth" either. As far as I can tell, teeth don't have any skin.
Speaking of teeth, want to hear something stupid I did when I was a kid? (even if you don't want to hear, I am still writing it here, so there...)... I watched this movie called Endangered Species when I was a kid. Well, I kinda snuck out of bed, and peeked while my parents were watching it. There was a scene where this guy sneaks in this other guy's bathroom and puts some kind of poison on his toothbrush. The guy brushes his teeth, and later on, he starts bleeding from his mouth and he ends up one big, dead, bloody mess. I was so freaked out by that, that I didn't brush my teeth for a month.
And what about these children's songs? I was searching for some childrens' song midi files to put on my friend's weblog, and I found some "cute" ones, including "Rockabye Baby." The music is cute and all, but when you think about the lyrics, you realize that it is one sick, twisted song.
I didn't do much this weekend. I did go to the grocery store on Saturday, which I HATE doing. But it wasn't so bad, because it wasn't that busy. I spent nearly $80 for what seemed like not a whole lot of stuff. Figures. I did color my hair this weekend. It was necessary. I was getting way too many gray hairs. If there is one thing that I am vain about, it is my hair. I don't like seeing those gray hairs. They remind me of how old I am getting - hehe.
I rewatched Napoleon Dynamite last nite. I have to tell you, that movie is as funny as hell! I was busting up when Napoleon was doing his boogie after Pedro's speech. That white boy can move! Equally funny is this picture I came across on the internet.

This is some of the cast of the movie... from left to right, we have Pedro (Efran Ramirez), Kip (Aaron Ruell), Uncle Rico (Jon Gries), Napoleon (Jon Heder), and the screenwriter/director, Jarod Hess. Now, compare that picture to this one....

That is, from left to right, Uncle Rico, Napoleon, and Kip. They look so much different in real life. How funny.

Vote for Pedro!
Stupid News Story of The Day

DURHAM, N.C. - A man smelled of alcohol and stumbled when he appeared in traffic court to answer allegations that he didn't comply with penalties arising from a drunken driving case, court officials said.
So court officials performed a blood alcohol test on Johnnie Patt Ndogo, 55, who registered a concentration of 0.23 percent, nearly three times the state's impairment standard of 0.08 percent and more than double the 0.10 he registered at the time of his driving-while-impaired arrest.
Durham County District Court Judge Marcia Morey promptly found Ndogo in contempt of court Friday and jailed him for three days.
Assistant District Attorney Jim Dornfried said he saw Ndogo stumble in the courtroom.
"He clearly was appreciably impaired, although he did not appear to be what I would call falling-down drunk," Dornfried added.
Ndogo told court officials he had consumed the alcohol a day earlier, and that a friend drove him to court Friday morning.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Non-profound thoughts
Stupid News Story of The Day

THOMASVILLE, Ga. - A man serving time for burglary at Thomas County Prison is in a new jam. Authorities say Curtis Hall tried to sneak illegal drugs in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Prison officials said Friday that Hall brought the sandwich back to the prison from work detail. About 3 grams of marijuana were found wrapped in plastic between the peanut butter and jelly.
"They're not supposed to return with anything," said Peggy Chapman, spokeswoman for the state Department of Corrections.
Hall, 43, was charged with possession of marijuana across a guardline. He will be transferred to a different prison, Chapman said.