I have added a new commandment to the Driver's Commandments.....11. Trust not thine gauges, for they may liest to you.
I was driving home from work to my folks' house, cuz they were gonna take me to Olive Garden for my birthday, and going down the 99 freeway. My gas gauge said I had gas...ok, so it was below a 1/4 tank, but the light wasn't flashing and it wasn't on empty or anything. So I was minding my own business, driving down the freeway, when my car just flat out died on me. I coudn't accelerate and the steering was sluggish. I was lucky enough to be able to creep over to the right shoulder and come to a stop. Grrr. I pulled out my trusty cell phone and called my mom, thinking at first my battery had died, since the check battery light was on. So, my mom and my bro came down and my bro tried to start the car, but no luck. I ended up having to call AAA, and told them that I thought I may have run out of gas. So embarassing!!! Not to mention gross, since where I had pulled off the road there was some dead animal skeleton in the oleander bushes (I think it was a cat), that I was forced to look at for the duration of the wait for the AAA guy to come. About a half hour later, he came and fed my car with some gas, and low and behold, the car started! Whoopee! I was just glad it was the gas problem and not some other car problem. Still, it was not fun to have to stand on the side of the road, cars and trucks whizzing past you, and wait for AAA to come. A CHP guy stopped, too, thinking I had some accident or something - lol.
Anyway, after the freeway fiasco, and after stopping by Chevron and filling up my gas tank (lol), we went out to Olive Garden for dinner. There, of course, was a 15 minute wait. Well 15 minutes came and went and soon turned into 25 minutes. Everyone else who had come before us had been seated, and we were still waiting. My dad finally tells my mom to go up and ask about what is taking so long (and my brother meanwhile was telling my folks that we should go somewhere else). Well, turns out that the hostess wrote the wrong pager # down so we never got called. Figures!!! After the whole freeway incident, it was bound to happen that something would get screwed up at dinner, too. Happy birthday to me! lol.
Well, we finally got to eat, and that chicken alfredo was very yummy (and I even have leftovers for dinner tonight - mmm), so I guess the wait was worth it.
Of course, I didn't get home til after 8 pm, so by that time, I had missed the first 3 American Idol singers. I came in when Paris's turn was up. Overall, I think Kellie had the strongest performance of the night (big surprise there since it was country night - lol). But I think Chris did a good job too. I wasn't too thrilled with Bucky's performance, and Ace, well he just flat out sucked. If they base the eliminations on last night's performances, Ace would be outta there! I definitely think he should be in the bottom 3, along with Bucky. I can't make a definite judgment on the bottom 3 since I missed the first 3 perfomances though. But Ace...I think it is his turn to go.