Sunday, November 04, 2007

My new little buddy

Well, after Lil Oreo died, I had to get another little buddy. I was originally gonna get another hamster, but after a trip to PetCo, I saw the cutest little Guinea Pig ever. She HAD to come home with me. Just take a look at her cute lil face...

Her name is Punkin. The name suits her well. She had the cutest little mohawk "hairdo" when I bought her, and she looked like a punk rocker - lol. She is so shy right now, but I am sure she will warm up to me soon. It took a while for dear old Lil Oreo and Peanut to get over their shyness, and now, Peanut is so friendly and sweet. So was Lil Oreo. But she sure had a feisty side to her - lol.

Well, aside from the pet stuff, not much else is happening. This time change is sure crazy though. It feels so much later than 7:20. And I can't believe it is already November! It is almost Christmas. Damn! I have my supervisor test on Wednesday. We'll see how that goes - lol.

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adopt your own virtual pet!


well, have you?

pretty please?

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