Saturday, November 01, 2008

My journey the hell: Living thru Cymbalta withdrawal

I was prescribed Cymbalta to help with pain and sleeplessness, which were caused by fibromyalgia. After helping neither the pain or the sleeplessness, I decided to quit taking the drug. I never, not in a million years, would have thought it would be this hard.

I have never smoked or done any drugs, so I don't know what withdrawal from those things is like, but if it is anything like this, then I can totally understand how people have such a difficult time quitting.

Let me tell you something: My life before Cymbalta was just fine. I never thought of hurting myself. I never had such a short temper or had such frequent mood swings. Ever since starting taking Cymbalta, my life has not been the same. I wasn't aware of these withdrawal effects. My doctor never mentioned them. I had read over all the potential side effects when I was first prescribed it, and it all seemed reasonable. Nothing about the potential withdrawal effects tho. I guess they "forgot" about those.

I have been "tapering off" Cymbalta for nearly 2 months now, taking 1 pill every other day, then every other other day, and so on and so forth. I have now been completely off the drug for over 2 weeks, and every day is a struggle to stay sane.

I shift moods from extreme anger to extreme sadness at a drop of a hat. I have hot spells and break out into cold sweats. I have horrible nightmares that make me not want to sleep. My brain feels like it is always "buzzing." I am dizzy all of the time. My head feels like it is stuck in a pinball machine, bouncing from side to side. I can't concentrate or remember things. I am easily distracted and confused. I get these strange "brain zaps." I get stressed out very easily. My head hurts all of the time. Sometimes, I feel like I would be better off dead. I can't take much more of this head buzzing thing. It is so nerve racking! I feel like a freakin' zombie sometimes.

I never had these problems before Cymbalta. Instead of helping my problems, it has CREATED new problems for me.

For now, I am just going to continue doing what I am doing: living one day at a time. Hoping to one day have my life back. And always hoping that tomorrow will be a better, brain-zapless day.

All bandaged up, all purty like

Here is my foot in the recovery stage. I am not allowed to take off the bandages or to get them wet (so no showers - lol). I have my first post op visit on the 4th. So far, it hasn't been too bad. It is sore and hurts to walk on it, but the pain hasn't been too overwhelming - whew.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

i am a couch potato

I am back from my surgery, and it went fine. I don't have a whole lot of pain (probably thanks to the vicodin - lol) and not a whole lot of swelling either. I have to be a couch potato for a few days - no walking except to and from the bathroom, and no removing the bandages. I am glad it is over, cuz I was a basket case stressing over it. Now I feel like I was worrying for nothing - lol.

Monday, October 27, 2008

New toy ;)

I am enjoying the Sidekick so much, that I went out and bought the Big Kick. It can cut mat board, fabric, craft metal and more. I am so making all of my Christmas cards this year - hehe.

It's the Great Pumpkin, Cuddles.

Cuddles strikes a happy Halloween pose.

Terror Alert

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