Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pinnacles National Park - Woodland Star - 4/21/13

cr_pinnacles_woodland star1, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

These Woodland Stars were blooming near a shallow creek along the Juniper Canyon/High Peaks Trail.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Scodie Park - Williamson's Sapsucker - 1/13/13

cr_SCP_Williamsons Sapsucker2, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

This photo was taken at Scodie Park in Onyx, CA

Monday, January 07, 2013

Tillie Creek - California Thrasher - 1/5/13

cr_TCC_California Thrasher1, originally uploaded by kimberzy.

I just love these birds. They have a very melodic song, and are expert mimics. Very secretive birds, they are seldom seen, as they prefer to hide in the brush. This guy popped his head out of the brush for just a minute, then he went back to his hiding spot.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Kern National Wildlife Refuge - Loggerhead Shrike

cr_KNWR_Loggerhead Shrike (6), originally uploaded by kimberzy.

The Loggerhead Shrike looks a little like the Lone Ranger of the bird world.

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