Sunday, September 18, 2005

Yesterday, after I came home from shopping, I went to open my door and my neighbor's cat ran up the steps. Well, before I could close the door, he ran into my apartment. He wandered around for a bit, snooping around, checking out my fish and my hamster (as seen in this photo). I could not get him to leave! Finally, I tricked him by taking a bag of hamster food and shaking it. That got his attention. I put the bag of hamster food outside on my porch and he went to inspect it. As soon as he was outside, I shut my door. The poor kitty just looked at me from outside, and I almost felt bad. But I am sure Squeakers about had a heart attack when she saw that big cat looking at her - hehe. The whole incident was hilarious. I was laughing about it all afternoon.
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