Friday, October 28, 2005

Stupid News Story of The Day

(I want my mommy!)

Robber Blames Crime on Missing His Mother

EVANSVILLE, Ind. - A man who led police on a high-speed chase after a bank robbery in May says he was driven to commit the robbery because he missed his mother.

Terrence Lee Mackey, 63, during a sentencing hearing Wednesday, blamed the crime on the federal prison system, saying officials refused to jail him near his mother in Florida after he violated parole in 1982.

"I wouldn't be standing here today if I'd been sent to Florida like I asked," Mackey said.

U.S. District Judge Richard L. Young sentenced Mackey to 29 years in prison. He said he didn't trust old age to stop Mackey from committing more crimes.

Mackey and William "Ricky" Herrell were arrested after the white Corvette they were driving crashed into a river levee as they fled from police.

During the sentencing hearing, Mackey said he was leaning out of the window of the getaway car, firing two handguns at police. He claimed he did it in self-defense.

"The police were shooting at me," Mackey said.

Herrell, 26, is awaiting trial in the case.

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