Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Things that make you go, Boo!

Yes. It is that time of year again. Time for me to change my Myspace page to reflect the Halloween spirit. Ok. So I was really bored and had nothing better to do. Also, I made some cute little Halloween pumpkins and critters and wanted to put them on my page. Gotta love Paint Shop Pro! I didn't redo my blog this time. I probably will for Christmas. It is just too much work to redo the whole blog! lol.

Here is a little black kitty that you can grab if you wanna. Just right-click and click "save picture." Feel free to take it. I know some people are all copyright-happy or what-not, but I am not. I just like to make things for fun :)

Nothing new has been going on. The training class is almost over (next Thursday is the last day ) , so pretty soon I will be back at my old desk. I am glad cuz it is just so friggin' cold in that room in the morning, and then in the afternoon it is hot and stuffy.

I went to the dentist today for a cleaning, and for the first time in a long time I was actually not nervous or weirded out going there. You wanna know why? Sonicare! That is why. That toothbrush is SO worth the money. I knew my teeth were clean, damnit. I am seriously loving me some Sonicare. Every time I brush my teeth, they feel so fresh-from-the-dentist clean (did that sound like a commercial or what?) But really, it cleans your teeth great. For serial!

On a totally unrelated note, I heard that Kate Moss and her weirdo of a boyfriend, Pete Doherty (who is nearly as skinny as she is) are gonna have a baby together. Am I the only one grossed out by this? That baby is gonna be seriously hideous! They both have rat faces and drug habits. Such a lovely pair they make (gag). They make Britney Spears and Kevin Federline look normal (almost).

Oh well. You know what they say.....everyone is somebody's weirdo. At least those 2 weirdos found each other.

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