Thursday, November 23, 2006

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Oh where, oh where have my little dogs gone?)

150-200 dogs removed from S.D. house

PROVO, S.D. - The Humane Society of the Black Hills removed 150-200 dogs from the rural residence of an elderly woman at Provo in southwest South Dakota.

Fall River County Sheriff Jeff Tarrell said he contacted the woman earlier this month after the Humane Society received a complaint and she agreed to give up the dogs.

Tarrell said she had taken in stray dogs for more than 30 years.

"It got to the point where people would actually drop the dogs off near the place or abandon them (near there)," he said. "People were essentially taking advantage. They knew she would take in stray dogs."

Suz Phillips, director of operations for the Humane Society, said the dogs were overall in good health.

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