Tuesday, January 30, 2007

More things that annoy me

1) McDonald's - I went to McDonald's tonight after work to get me some dinner, cuz, well, I avoid having to cook as much as possible, and they gave me no ketchup. In fact, the last 3 times I have gone to Mickey D's, they have given me no ketchup. What is there? Some worldwide ketchup packet shortage? They never give you ketchup (at least in this town), and when you ask for it, they look at you like you just asked them for their kidney.

2) Horror movie trailers that make the movie look scarier than it actually is

3) The undead - they move too slowly, they look just awful and, well, they are undead. Some of them work in my building.

4) People who try to multi-task while they drive - Wherever you are going, you can do your makeup when you get there. No one is going to say "Damn. She went out without any eyeliner," when you are being hauled into the hospital on a stretcher because your muti-tasking ass was too busy looking at your eyes rather than watching where the hell you were driving.

5) Technology - It moves too fast. They just unleashed Windows Vista today. By tomorrow, it will be obsolete.

6) Rosie O'Donnell - I don't think I need to explain this one. I mean, she's Rosie. She's annoying! She never shuts up.

7) Polka music - it makes me want to dance. And no one needs to see that.

8) American Idol contestants whose excuses for why they sucked so bad is because they were "nervous." All nervousness aside, you still suck!

9) People who tell you they are going to do something, then flake out on you.

10) Mor Furniture commercials. Damn Forbes Riley! Damn her! (you have to live around here to get this one)

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