Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well, I stayed home from work today. Had a fever and still felt really lousy. I slept most of the day - lazy me! lol.. I do feel much, much better now and will definitely go to work tomorrow.

I watched Kairo (Pulse) today. It was one freaky movie. But I didn't really understand it all. Could be cuz of the subtitles and all. I will have to watch it again sometime. The Japanese can make some freaky-ass movies.

American Idol was on again tonight. Holy crap. Seattle had some of the worst singers I had ever heard. That dude that sang "Unchained Melody"...what was with his eyes?!?! He had this expression on his face that looked like someone came up behind him and rammed a broomstick up his ass. And he never even moved. He looked like he was glued in place. But the worst one was "Red" - the one that looked like Malacchi from Children of The Corn. I kept waiting for Simon to yell, "OUTLANDER!" Cuz that is the first thought that came to my head when I saw him. His voice.....well, it was beyond horrible. I can't even describe it. Just plain wrong.

I am sick of this cold, cold weather. The highs have been in the low 50's and the lows in the mid to high 20's. The Grapevine is shut down cuz of ice and snow (that probably makes my brother happy - since he has to drive over it to get to work, which means he probably gets to stay home from work). They said there was even some snow in Malibu. That is crazy! I will be happy when it gets back to the 60's again. It is too brrrr outside for me.

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