Sunday, March 18, 2007

The search for Ginger Peach candles continues

I don't know what the deal with this weather is. I was driving home from work on Friday and the thermometer on the bank said it was 91 degrees. 91 ! In March. Just a few weeks ago the temps were in the low 30's/high 20's. Now it is in the high 80's. Weirdness all around.

Not that I am complaining too much. My body hates the cold. The cold brings on my joint and bone pain and just makes me miserable. I prefer it in the 70's, but then again, what I prefer makes no difference to good ole Mother Nature.

I have been doing a lot of drawing lately (and even at work - hehe). Yeah, a few weeks ago I was complaining about all the work I was having to do at work, but now, since I am soooooooo fast, I just have a few cases left (I think 2 or 3) to work on. My supervisor told me I craked out over 30 cases in one week. Yeah, I am THAT fast - lol. But doing all that work left its mark on me. I was so exhausted on Friday after work that I took a nap around 6 pm that night and didn't wake up til after 10 pm. I also had a migraine on Thursday and left work early to go home and sleep it out. The damned thing was still aching my head on Friday. It just ain't fair.

But, as I was mentioning, I have been doing a lot of drawing. I went to Michael's and bought me a set of watercolor pencils and drawing pads. I have been drawing a lot of cartoony animals....soon I will have enough to fill my own zoo - hehe.

The damned AIM program was messed up on my computer so I wasn't able to sign on for a few days. It bugged me something fierce - not because I had people to talk to - but because when something goes wrong I HAVE to fix it or else it just eats at my brain until I can't think about anything else. (I have my problems! - lol)

Oh, and another problem is that I LOVE the Pier One Ginger Peach scented candles , but none of the stores here in town have any. I searched and searched, but none of the other stores have any other decent smelling peach candles (since I am being denied the Pier One ones), and I WANT SOME!!! Ugh. Why is it so hard to find peach candles and so easy to find those nasty smelling rose ones?

Guess I will have to look online.

Thank goodness for the internet and online shopping ;)

Now if they would only come up with online grocery shopping....hehe

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