Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Goings on in good ole Bake-O

Alana's 2nd birthday party on Sunday turned out soooo cute. I know poor Alicia was completely stressed out by having to do it so last minute, but she pulled it off without a hitch and gave her little girl a super cute birthday party.The only bad thing was the hot weather, but this IS Bakersfield. And that's what happens when your child's birthday is in June - lol.

Of course, a few days later the weather cools down to a nice 80 degrees (instead of the 95 degrees that it was on Sunday). Ain't Mother Nature a bitch?

This Friday, I am traveling up tp Sebastopol, CA for my cousin Mike's wedding. The wedding is on Saturday (with a rumored 250 people to attend), but I am going up Friday so I can do some sight seeing in San Francisco and around the Bay Area. I am going to stay at my Aunt Helen's house for the night and my folks are coming up on Saturday. I haven't yet decided if I will go home on Saturday or on Sunday. The wedding is at 4 pm on Saturday, so the earliest I can leave Sebastopol would probably be 6:00 and it is about a 5-6 hour drive home from there. I guess I will have to wait and see how tired I am by then.

I would like to maybe go to Bodega Bay and Jenner to see the Salt Point State Park and Kruse Rhododendron State Reserve. They aren't too far from Santa Rosa. At this point, it is all up in the air. I will probably decide what I want to do on the drive over - lol. That is just how I roll.

I am sure that wherever I go, there will be plenty of pictures to take. I am just a picture taking fool

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