Wednesday, January 23, 2008

God Hates You, Westboro Baptists

I heard some news this morning that has been angering me all day long. I heard that that lame-ass Westboro "Baptist" Church group who hates gays and pickets the funerals of soldiers is going to picket at Heath Ledger's funeral. Why? Because he supposedly "promoted" homosexuality by portraying a gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain.

People like these assholes make me ashamed to be a human being. What kind of inhuman, unfeeling person would picket at a person's funeral??? (you would think that a group of hatemongers like them would be celebrating a funeral, not picketing.) That is just not right. It is so not right on soooo many levels. Who gave them a right to judge people? Don't they remember God's decree of "Judge not, less ye be judged?" Why don't you see them picketing at funerals of people who have played serial killers and monsters in movies? Shouldn't they be doing that too? I mean, if you are gonna picket one thing, you gotta picket it all. You have to be consistent (haha). None of it makes any sense whatsoever. They say they believe in God. They call themselves "Baptists." Assholes would be a better name for them. Yeah. The Church of Inbred White Trash Ignorant Assholes. Has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?

They have a website. You wanna know the website's address? It is Yeah. That's really what it is. I checked it out. You wanna know what the "welcome" message says on the website? It says "welcome depraved sons and daughters of Adam." You wanna know what one of their little logos is? It is an upside down US flag. They apparently hate West Virginia, Sweden, Mexico, and a whole bunch of other places. They hate the US (well then move the fuck out of here, you fuckers!) They have signs that say, "God Hates You," and "God Hates Fag Enablers." I have many friends who are gay. God MUST hate me. Yeah right. How a group of people can be so intolerant and ignorant is beyond me. It angers me that these people think they have the right to go around picketing at people's funerals. Sure. We have a thing in this country called Freedom of Speech. But what about common decency? Whatever happened to respect?

I looked at their website, and threw up in my mouth a little when I read their "blog" about Heath Ledger's death. I wanted to leave them a little hateful comment, but I guess they don't allow comments. Cowards!

All I can hope is that one day when this world is over and they have to stand before God and be judged, that God throws them down into the pit of hell and they have to spend all eternity being anally raped by Satan.

Now that would be justice.

1 comment:

Netter said...

It's hard not to dislike people that are that backward thinking. It's sad really, sad that they think that their "God" would think its OK to hate another one of his creations....if you go for that line of thinking in the first place. Judge not...
I too have gay friends and they are some of the kindest sweetest people I have ever met. It angers me when others speak against them because of their sexual orientation. You know what I think, I think people who hate that much, do so because they are weak people, scared of some of their own deep secret feelings.

They need to just leave the Ledger family and every other family alone in their time of grief.

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