Sunday, January 02, 2005

2005 - a new year, same me

Well, here it is.......January 2, 2005. Hope everyone's New Year was great. I spent mine at a friend's house, but to tell you the truth , I wasn't feeling very good that night....pain is a beeeyach. But it was nice to be around other people who were having fun. Made the pain seem a little less intense. I decided to stay sober for New Year's, which was probably the best thing for me to do. All of my Christmas decorations are still up. And no, I am not trying to extend Christmas or winter for that matter... I am looking foward to srping's arrival. This cold weather just kills me. I don't like it! I guess I will take down my stuff this week. It is back to work tomorrow, after a nice 4 days off. I am not looking foward to that very much, to be perfectly honest. I have to go to the opthamologist this week for an eye exam, and I am not quite sure what to expect there. He is supposed to exam my eyes to make sure I don't go blind or something from this medicine I take, Plaquenil, for arthritis/lupus. On the plus side, the medicine seems to be helping, which is good. Instead of being in pain 4-5 days out of the week, I am down to maybe 1-2 days a week. And that is great for me :) I am not worried about going blind or anything....that is very rare that that happens. I just hate having bright lights shining into my eyes and stuff. I am a complete wimp when it comes to any doctor's appointment. Seems like to I go the freaking doctor every month - lol. Well, here's to hoping this year is full of fun, friends, family, and less doctors' appointments ! Happy New Year...a little late....but better late than never.

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