Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Blast From The Past

mmmmm good

Remember this stuff? My mom would never buy this stuff for me, so I had to have my grandma buy it for me, or I had to use my money to get some and then hide it so my mom wouldn't see. Why? Because it was nothing but flavored and colored sugar that came with 2 big, fat sticks of sugar which were supposed to be your "dipping sticks." Yep...sugar plus more sugar. That is a sure way to get any kid hyped up. The "Lik Stiks," as they were called, were kinda nasty tasting on their own. You needed to put them in the Fun Dip so that they would get some kind of flavor. Some people liked to eat the sticks, while others, like me, threw them away. Nasty! The Fun Dip had the consistency of sand, which was what made it so fun! I believe they still sell this stuff at candy shops. So if you see some in a candy store, pick up a packet and have at it, and prepare to get a sugar high.

Lik Em Aid

1 comment:

cityman05 said...

Oh, wow, I loved the little dipping sticks. I could have probably eaten 100 of them at a time when I was younger.

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