Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Oh my goodness. I am so happy Kevin got booted off of American Idol. I guess it is about time the voters picked the earwax out of their ears long enough to not vote for him. It is about time!
I was wrong about who was gonna get booted, but my bottom 3 picks were right, smack-dab on. And everyone knows that I had wanted Kevin to get booted weeks ago. I just figured all the little kids would keep voting for him. Maybe their mommies and daddies took away their cell phone privileges this week - hehe.

A new South Park season debuted tonight. It was just sooooo wrong, but yet, so funny. Poor Chef - boy he got killed off in just such a bad way. I loved Chef. He was just so funny. I am gonna miss his character, but since Isaac Hayes is so opposed to Matt and Trey's portayal of Scientologists, he just had to quit. Phooey on him. Party pooper.

At least Carlos Mencia was in true form on his season debut tonight. Now there is one dude who is not afraid to make fun of anyone. Kudos to him. He is a funny, funny man. Gotta love Mencia!

On a side note, my right shoulder has been killing me for over 2 weeks now. I am starting to wonder whether or not I should go to the doctor. It feels like bone is rubbing against bone. It hurts soooo bad. Especially when I am driving. I know. I am such a whiner. But it hurts!!!!
Thank goodness a friend at work gave me a vicodin, cuz I left my meds at home.

Damned shoulder. I wish I wasn't so broken - lol.

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