Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Nasty, blood-sucking beeeyaches!

I have a problem. I think there is a mosquito in my apartment because I woke up this morning with 2 bites...one on my knuckle and another on my hip, and holy hell do they itch like a beeeeyach! I already had one near my neck, so now I have 3. Grrrr! My new goal is to find that skeeter and smash the hell out of it. Teach that bitch to drink my blood! HA!

Today it's only supposed to get to 82 degrees. It was sooooo nice last night that I left my windows open all night (maybe that's how the skeeter got in - wonder if there's holes in my window screen - hmmmmm). It is so nice outside right now, too, but I am cooped up indoors in this building where it gets so cold that I have to put on my jacket. Of course, by this weekend it is supposed to be right back up to the high 90's again. Makes me wanna go camping again - hehe.

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