Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Stop murmuring - I can't hear you

Well, I just got back from the rheumatologist. Big fun. At least they didn't have to take my blood this time. Yes, I escaped the needle. I knew that my last blood test was gonna yield some unfavorable results. I was in a lot of pain that day and my inflammation level was at 60 (normal is 10-20), so it was pretty high. I am taking this new anti-inflammatory drug and hopefully that will make a difference. It seems to have brought the pain down to a bearable level so far. I just hope it continues to work and not sputter out like Celebrex and Bextra did. The big thing that has been plaguing me for years now is the lack of a decent night's sleep. The doctor says it is very important to get 6-8 hours of restful sleep per night. I don't think I have had that in a long time. Sure, I go to bed with the intentions of getting at least 6 hours of sleep, but I never stay asleep to get the full 6 hours. Could that be what is making me feel so icky? Very likely. Not only does a lack of sleep lead to fatigue, but it can also contribute to depression, which is something I have been battling lately. Maybe once I get the whole sleep thing fixed, it will fix the rest of me, too.

The thing that is worrying me now (as if I need MORE to worry about), is that this time the doctor said she heard a heart murmur, which is something she has never heard before. I hope that it was just her hearing or maybe that her stethescope was messed up or something. But why did she have to say that out loud? UGH! That is just not cool. Now I am gonna be all paranoid - lol. Damned doctors. UGHH! I have to go back on July 26th. I hope next time she says all is well and that her stethescope was just bad - lol.

Oh me and my weirdness. We make quite a pair - lol.

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