Monday, August 14, 2006

Just another migraine Monday

I am in a bad mood.

It is Monday. That alone is enough to cause a bad mood, but I also have a migraine. That puts me in a shiteous mood. I am ready to go crazy right about now. The only thing keeping my level of sanity at a comfortable level is the fact that I am keeping my mind preoccupied by writing this blog. If I stop writing, there is only the pain left. So, one can guess that when I stop writing, I will be, in fact, insane.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

And if there are typos, then screw it. I don't care about 'em. This isn't English class. This is a migraine-induced blog, therefore, it will probably make no sense. Deal with it. If you want, you can spell-check it for me, and I will fix it later. More like, I will read your little spell-checking comments and laugh....laugh....laugh ...and then bitch about how people have nothing better to do than to correct my spelling.

This headache started yesterday morning. I woke up with a headache, took some Advil, and was fine until about 6 pm, when the damned thing came back. I took Tylenol PM before I went to bed, but when I woke up this morning, the damned thing had come back. And it had upgraded in status to a migraine. How do I know it is a migraine? Well, I can't stand the light right now, which is why I am not looking at the monitor (thus the potential for typos, but we covered that subject alreay, so let's move forward, shall we?). I am also feeling pukey. I feel like if I stand up, I will surely puke, and no one wants that....especially me. Not only that, but every little sound is annoying me...especially the sound of someone's, not every person's laugh, jyust one person in particular. Ugh. It is just sooooo annoying!

I feel like absolute crapola, which is why I will probably go home after my supervisor gets back. I just want to lie in a dark room with no noise and sleep...oh blessed sleep. I have already taken 2 Advil and my migraine seems worse than ever. I am cursed. Some people are cursed with bad skin or excess body hair. I am cursed with headaches. I should buy stock in Advil. Hell, with as much Advil as I buy, they should at least give me a discount.

I am through writing now. Let the insanity commence.

1 comment:

Netter said...

Girl! I have been in your shoes a million times, I know how you feel. Please feel better soon, just hang in there.

OH, I have been slowly looking at your vacation pics...they are so cool! More on that later.

PS Thanks for the postcard, you are the best!

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