Monday, September 18, 2006

They call me Forrest Gimp

God I have such sucky ass joints. My left knee is a freakin' mess and it aches and throbs and makes strange creaking and cracking noises. I wrecked on my dirt bike when I was a teenager (twice) and tore it open to the bone the first time. You would have think I would have learned a lesson from that wreck (as in not to go over jumps!), but nooooooooo. I had to go and do it again a few years later and tear open the same knee. I didn't think much about the future of my bones and joints when I was a kid, but I am sure paying for them now in my old(er) age.

Basically, my left knee is a mass of scar tissue and a completely jacked up knee cap that basically floats around. To put it simple, when you press down on my knee, it feels Jell-O (as my mom so colorfully, and grossly, describes it). The knee didn't bother me much back then but it sure is acting up now. Everytime I squat down or step up or down the stairs I can feel a pulling in it. What pisses me off, is that I did it to myself. I should have gone to the doctor when I hurt it the first time, but I didn't. And now it is a mess. I am probably gonna have to go to the doctor about it and just hope and pray he doesn't tell me I have to have surgery. But as bad as it hurts me, I think I will do about anything at this point to make it not hurt - lol. Maybe I am just a big crybaby, but oh well. Wah wah wah. Boo hoo hoo.

You can tell I am having a pity party here, and I am the only one in attendance - lol. Which is probably a good thing, cuz if we had to play any games, I would be hobbling around like a dumbass.

From now on, you can call me Gimp. I give you permission

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