Monday, October 30, 2006

Random rantings of a sick mind

'Tis the season to get sick. (cough cough) I was sick all weekend. I did nothing but lounge around my apartment in my pjs over the weekend. And I came home from work early today and canceled my physical therapy appointment cuz I felt like total crapola. I still feel icky, but the Benadryl did help stop the sneezes. I took a nap from like 3 to 6 today, and I will probably go to bed early tonight. Blah. I hate being sick!

I only have like 2 physical therapy sessions left, and frankly, I am glad. The therapist's office is out on Stockdale Highway and it takes me nearly a half an hour to drive out there since the traffic is always crappy out that way. And it hasn't done much good, to be honest. I am still having the same pain issues that I had before I started. But the therapist said that he can only treat the symptoms and not the cause. He did say it felt like there was fluid in my knee....and I know what that means. Ugh. I hate the idea of having needles in it to drain it, but if it needs to be done, then there is nothing I can do about it.

I only have a few more days in the training classroom and then I go back to my old home sweet other home-away-from-home. I am taking 2 trainees with me to the training unit so I can inflict more pain upon them as they continue to train with me - hehe. Just kidding. I am not THAT mean. I will be glad to be back at my desk and away from Powerpoint presentations - blah. Those put me to sleep!

On a totally unrelated point, I was watching Jason Vs Freddy the other day on tv (yeah - there was nothing else on) and there was a part where Freddy uses water to scare Jason, since he is supposedly afraid of water and won't go near it. Yet, in Friday the 13th The Final Chapter (yeah, that title is misleading), Jason kills not one, but two people in the lake. And he was in the water. IN it. Yet he won't go near water in Jason Vs Freddy. Exactly when did Jason develop hydrophobia?? In part 5...part 6??

I know, I know. I think too much.

Stupid movies - grrr.

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