Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Happenings

Well, Halloween came and went without too much fuss. I had a grand total of 5 trick or treaters last night...yes.....5. So, that means I have a lot of candy left over - hehe. I went and bought a pumpkin, as is my tradition on Halloween, and carved it while watching scary movies. Last night's movie was Stay Alive, as so generously loaned to me by my good pal Kia. It was a good, bloody movie...perfect for Halloween. I was totally bummed out that I couldn't stay awake long enough to watch all of Ghost Hunters last night. Grrrr. I was simply too tired, despite the Coca Cola I drank at 9 pm. Caffeine does nothing to keep me awake. Hopefully, they will re-run it in the future sometime. Anyway, there is another episode of Ghost Hunters tonight for me to watch

The training class is nearly over. They all took their final today and, I am happy to say, they all passed. I go back to my old desk tomorrow afternoon, and I will be happy to be back at "home." It is too cold in the morning in this room! BRRRR!!!!

Again on a totally unrelated note...I was watching Freddy Vs Jason last night (yes, AGAIN, as if once wasn't enough) and was thinking.....didn't Jason X come out before Freddy Vs Jason? I am sure it did. So they went into the future and Jason was around obviously Jason survived the whole Freddy ordeal, which kind of ruins the ending of Freddy Vs Jason (not that the ending is all that unexpected anyway since the bastard never dies!) Nevermind. I am trying to put logic into a Jason movie, and we all know trying to put logic into a Jason or Freddy movie is like trying to make Steven Seagal look like a master thespian. It is impossible!

I think wayyyyyyy too much.

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