Saturday, December 16, 2006

I am done!!!

I am done with all of my Christmas shopping, wrapping and packing. Whew! What a job it was. I mailed out all of my Christmas cards yesterday. I mailed out Leif's presents yesterday, and I mailed out Cyndi's presents today (and there are even a few things in there for Zach and Gabe, too). The line at the post office was freakin' long yesterday. I got there around 3 pm and I musta spent 40 minutes in line, and I was so damned hungry cuz I hadn't eaten all day. I thought I was gonna pass out - lol. The line today wasn't quite as long. I was probably only in line for about 15 minutes. But I am done and presents are on their way!

My whole apartment was a complete mess. Just take a look at my bedroom floor.....

The paper ornaments came out really cute. I am totally loving my Photoshop program. I did all of the ornaments myself, pixel by pixel, on Photoshop. So each one is totally unique. I made snowmen, trees and reindeer, and all of them are personalized. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. I think I made over 30 ornaments altogether.

It is raining today. I am glad I went to the post office when I did...before it started to really rain. I hate driving in the rain. People around here just don't know how to drive in the rain. We don't get much rain here, so when the rain comes down, people get confused

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