Saturday, January 06, 2007

Wrong on so many levels

Now, my friend Alicia was shopping at Old Navy, and was on the phone with me, and she came across this shirt they had there for little kids that was just wrong on sooooooo many levels. Well I found it on their web it is....

Now, keep in mind that this shirt comes in sizes from 6 months to 5T. I certainly would HOPE that a little baby would be single!!! Never, ever let your child wear this shirt. Especially around Michael Jackson!

Well, that wasn't the only icky shirt they had there. Here is another example of just plain wrongness...

Hot to trot? At 12 months old? EWWWWW! You might as well get them a shirt like this...

or this one...

(no, these are not for sale on Old Navy. They are created by me on Photoshop. But I wouldn't be surprised if they actually had them there!)

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