Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A better Idol than last week

The guys pulled themselves out of the gutter that was last week's American Idol. They were much better this week than last week...much better. After watching the guys last week, I was ready to just up and give up on AI this season.The first guy, Phil, did a good rendition of "Missing You," which was good, cuz had he sucked, I probably would have changed the channel. AJ, Chris S, Blake and Sundance were good. I think Sundance and Chris S had the best performances of the night. As Randy says, they "brought down the house." Chris S, despite looking a lot like Jack Osbourne, has a really good voice. And Sundance finally showed everyone why he was chosen in the first place.

There were some yawners and one downright horrible performance tonite though. Nick Pedro was just ok. Nothing special. Just ok. And Brandon, although I love his voice...."Time After Time" just wasn't working for him. It was ....yawn...boring. Jared was ok. Not bad...not great. And Chris R, who everyone was so gung-ho for (even Simon said he was good), I thought was not that great. Sure he picked a difficult song, but I thought he was off key and flat throughout the entire song. But Sunjaya....oh good lord. He was horrible. Just terrible. He needs to go home.

If I had to call it, Sunjaya and Nick should go. But since the girls probably think Nick is just like "so cute," he will probably stay and Brandon will go. But it was he who picked that boring song to sing.

After AI was over, I sat and watched "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?" , and let me tell you something. I have never felt more stupid in my life than I did when I was watching that show. After not knowing the 1st question....what month do we celebrate Columbus Day in (I guessed November and it was October)...and not having the slightest clue who was the 1st president to be impeached (it was Andrew Johnson, and I thought it was Richard Nixon - LOL ...all the kids got the right answer, of course), I felt like a total idiot. But, I did get all of the other answers right, including the math one, which surprised me as I probably operate at a 1st grade level at math. And being as lousy at math as I am, answering a 3rd grade math question right was like winning an Olympic gold medal to me. After watching that show, I was left wondering just how I made it through school.

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