Wednesday, March 07, 2007

In American Idol, it's a girl's game

All I have to say about American Idol tonight is that Melinda is da bomb. That girl can saaaannnng. Unlike the guys, the girls' group is a competitive bunch. Except for Blake and Chris S, I think any of the other guys could (and should) be cut. Especially Sanjaya. He and his 60's style hair should be booted right on out of there. With the girls, it's a little tougher. With the exception of Antonella and Haley, who are the worst of the bunch, all of the girls gave pretty solid performances. Except for Melinda....she was the best....far and above the best.

For the guys, Sanjaya and Brandon should go bye-bye.

For the girls, Antonella and Haley should be booted.

But being that the vote is up to the "American people," I wouldn't be surprised if those tone-deaf dumbasses get to stay.

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