Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Evil Dolls and Stankaya Sings Country

I watched a freaky movie tonite called Reincarnation. It was made by those Japanese dudes responsible for The Grudge. Oh good lord. It was definitely freaky. Not so scary, but definitely freaky. There were a few scenes that I will have nightmares over for weeks, and all of those scenes involve this freaky looking doll. Damn, I HATE scary movies with dolls in them. Ugh! Nightmare city!

But even the evil doll in the movie was not as scary as Stankaya singing country music. Yes, the Stank Man was up to his usual horrible singing this week on American Idol. While Haley was worse than him last week, there was no one worse than Stankaya this week. He was, to paraphrase Simon, "utterly horrendous." His rendition of "Something To Talk About" will definitely leave the voters with something to talk about. Just not anything positive to talk about. God he sucks. Please, for the love of all that is right and just, don't vote for him!

It was also a less than stellar night for Chris and Lakeisha. I normally like Lakeshia, but her rendition of "Jesus Take The Wheel" came out as more of a shouting match than a song. She can sing, but tonight she also proved that she can shout (which isn't good).

Jordin and Melinda were awesome (as usual). I didn't hear Phil sing (cuz I was watching the end of that freaky doll movie) but from what I caught at the end when the judges were talking, it must have been pretty good.

Blake was pretty good, but not his usual cool self.

My bottom 3 for this week: Stankaya, Chris and Lakeisha (surprise)

God, I hope Stankaya goes home!

On a unrelated note, damn, it is windy outside!

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