Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I didn't see THAT coming

I knew way before it was announced that Melinda was voted off by American Idol tonite. How? My mom. She called me tonite a little after 7 pm to tell me that Melinda was voted off. She had my dad look it up on the internet to see (since we west coasters are 3 hrs behind the east coasters who by then already knew the results).

I didn't see that coming. Not by a mile. I figured it would be Melinda vs one of the other 2 in the finale. But, in true AI fashion, no one is guaranteed to be safe. (remember last year when Chris Daughtry was voted off???)

Still, the finale should be good. All 3 of this year's top 3 are good singers.

It was good to see my favorite from last year's top 3, Elliot Yamin, performing tonight. He was really good.

So who will win next week? I have no idea. And I don't plan on making any predictions.

I am always wrong anyway

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