Monday, May 28, 2007

No comprendo espanol (but I am trying)

I didn't do much this weekend. I did do a little shopping (can you say new shoes??? woo hoo). But that was about it. Time to go back to work tomorrow. At least it's a short week. We have this Friday off.

I don't have to go to jury duty tomorrow. I checked and groups 1-25 go tomorrow. I am group 26, so that means Wednesday will be my boring day down at the courts. I so hate jury duty. At least I got my puzzle books and Ipod to take with me. I am so addicted to Kakuro puzzles. They are like Sudoku with a touch of math. Which is ironic, since I suck at math, but then I am weird, so there it is.

Work is kinda kicking my ass lately. I got stuck with about 40 or so cases ... 95% of which was Spanish, by the way ... when a coworker left the unit. I worked my ass off last week and cranked out about 30 cases. But man it left me tired. All I wanted to do after work was come home and lie down. I hope to have the rest of them done this week or by early next week. I just hate having cases looming over me like that.

I want to go camping again soon. But this weekend is Alana's birthday party (she is gonna be 2 yrs old) and then next weekend is my cousin Mike's wedding, so camping won't be for a while. But there will be plenty of pics to take at both of those occasions, so it's all good

I am off to bed. Time to take some sleeping pills and hit the hay. I can never sleep at all on Sunday nights (this is like a Sunday night) so sleeping pills should help some. Otherwise I will spend all night waking up every hour or 2 and never get any actual sleep.

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