Friday, June 01, 2007

F is for Friday

Oh glorious Friday. I was off today and I slept in til 10 am (of course I stayed up til almost 3 am last nite so I had an excuse to sleep in!) I went shopping yesterday after work. I had to find a battery for my car alarm keyless entry remote thingy, and I tell you, that was no easy task! I went to Wal Mart, Targert, Best luck. They had every kind of battery BUT the one I needed. So I finally tried Rite Aid and low and behold they had it! Not to mention they also have delicious ice cream. I am eating some Chocolate Malted Crunch right now....the best ice cream in the friggin universe! But I digress.

So, I got my car thingy to work and all is well in the auto world again.

I had to go do my citizenly duty and sit in the jury duty services building for a few hours on Wednesday. Luckily, I didn't have to serve on a panel. I did have to spend about 8 hours of the day down there (they did give us 2 hours for lunch though). I had my Kakuro puzzle books to work on so I did have something to do at least.

It is starting to get hot outside. Ok, well it has been hot for weeks. It is in the 90's everyday now, so I know those 100+ degree summer days are not far off.

Oh joy.

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