Sunday, December 05, 2004

Roger and Kay....together at last.

Have you ever seen those commercials on tv for Kay's..."Ev'ry kiss begins with Kay"....or those commercials for Roger's, who claim that "When you think love, you think Roger's"? I wanna know who are the ad wizards that came up with that crap! First of all, the only way ev'ry kiss would begin with Kay, is if you are a guy and are involved with a woman named Kay. And the only time you think love and think Roger's is if you are a woman and you are involved with a man named Roger. Don't you think it is just a little bit arrogant to think that your jewelry is so special that the word "love" has come to mean your company's name? The last time I looked in a dictionary, the word "love" was defined as "A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness." I didn't see "Roger's" anywhere in the definition of "love." It is so apparent at Christmastime, and around Valentine's, that these jewelry companies go out of their way to make people feel either bad about themselves for not getting jewelry, or bad about themselves for not being able to give it. It is especially hard on the men, who undoubtedly feel pressured by these places to give their significant others some $500 piece of jewelry. It even gives them the impression that we, women, NEED some fancy-schmancy piece of jewelry to make us happy. Not only do the jewelry companies hurt men's pride, but they also make us women out to be these greedy b*tches who won't be satisfied with anything under a certain price tag. That is so both of us! I, personally, would be perfectly happy with something from Wal-Mart! In fact, I would be proud of my man if he bought me a Wal Mart ring, cuz then I would know that he really knows me. Heck, I would be happy with a ring from a box of Crackerjack's at this rate - lol. But I digress. Christmas is commercial, but jewelry stores are commercialism at its worst. You can't commercialize love. I am sorry, but love doesn't come with a price tag. Love is something that comes from within. And it certainly does not come in a box from Roger's.

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