Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Damn, it's hot!

It's hot here in Bakersfield. It is 8:15 pm and it is still 95 degrees outside. It hit 100 today, much to my dismay. So, now I sit here with the AC on, knowing that it is just the beginning of a long, hot summer. This is not good news.

Just a few more days til my vacation. I am happy about that :) Just knowing that I will have a full 10 days off without having to get up early, get dressed and go to work is great! Too bad it is only 10 days - lol.

I have been busy at work putting together our 4th of July decorations. It is my task to decorate our unit for this Americana competition that our department has going on. At first, I was excited about it. I love to decorate, so it is right up my alley. But it is a lot of work! I have gone through 2 rolls of tape already and I am not even done. It sucks, because I only have 1 1/2 more days to finish, since I have a doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon and we are off on Friday. I hope I can finish in time.

My apartment is finally cooling off a bit. It is so hot. I hate it when it gets this hot! Autumn, hurry up and get here!

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