Monday, July 25, 2005

Check out me in my Catholic Scool uniform ... I look so innocent - oh what went wrong?


Netter said...

Kim, Kim, Kim, you DID look so innocent. What went wrong? You mean that you are not so innocnet anymore? Well, that sounds to me like you are finally doing something right. Who wants to be innocent when there is a whole world out there waiting to be corrupted by us. Mwahahahah (evil laugh) I for one, was a "good girl" for way to long. Let's leave the innocents to little children and baby animals, I vote for living on the edge.

Netter said...

I meant..lets leave the innocence to the little children and baby animals....typos, darn it, the are the pain in my you know where.

Kimberly said...

well I WAS innocent... ha ha. Strangely enough, it was Catholic School that corrupted me - lol.

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