Thursday, July 28, 2005

I am SO glad it is Thursday...

because I am off tomorrow - thank the lord for that! Today was just plain crazy at work. My supervisor is on vacation, so I am the first one the trainees go to for questions. Well, that is all fine and dandy. But when I am saddled with 4 appointments, it can be a TAD difficult to keep up with my clients and the needs of the trainees. Well today was one of those days where I felt like I needed a clone. My first appointment was at 8:15. My next one was at 8:45, and then I had a 9:30 appointment to see. The 8:15 and 9:30 appointments were given to me because a worker was out sick. Well the first appointment went A.O.K. I was finished by 9:15. Then I had to go see my 8:45 (yeah, I was late seeing her, but this could not be helped). Well, I didn't finish with that appointment til about 10:30. It wasn't that the application was that difficult, it was just that the client talked forever. She was nice as could be, but long winded - lol. So, I didn't get to my 9:30 appointment til almost 11:00. I felt like I was SO far behind. LUCKILY, my 2:00 appointment called me to reschedule. I needed that time to finish up all the stuff from the morning, so thank goodness she rescheduled! I was so happy to get that call - lol. While I was finishing up my cases, the trainees kept coming to me with questions, and the other mentor was asking me about some kinds of applications, so I was running to and fro all day long. It was only around 4:40 that I finally had time to sit and relax for a few minutes. It is just like the old days when I had 5 appointments a day....ahhh....memories. Do I miss those days? Sometimes. I will just be glad when my supervisor comes back on Monday! I have a headache. Tylenol time!

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