Thursday, November 10, 2005

Go list yourself...part deux

Time for another list! Aren't you excited?? hehe
List the most exhilarating experiences you're ever had:

1. Flying on a plane for the first time.
2. Graduating from college.
3. Falling in love.
4. Seeing Yosemite Valley for the first time.
5. Riding rollercoasters.
6. Seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time.
7. Going to my first concert.
8. Swinging so high on a swing that I felt like I was touching the sky.
9. Walking on the beach.
10. Sex.
11. Riding to the top of Heavenly Valley in Tahoe on the gondolas. It was so beautiful!
12. Driving across the Golden Gate Bridge.
13. Hay fights in the barn loft with my cousins.
14. the Girl Scout trip to San Francisco.

That is all I could come up with at the time. I am sure there are many more :)

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