Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Oh, go list yourself.

I got this book called "List Yourself." It's basically a book with a whole bunch of subjects to make lists of. It is supposed to give you a new way to discover yourself....I just like it cuz it gives me something to do - lol. Anyway, it was only $4 (I got it at, so it wasn't a big purchase. So, here is my first entry...

List the situations that always make you cry:

1. Watching a sad scene in a movie, where a character that you have grown to like dies or something sad happens to them.

2. When I am visiting someone I care about who I haven't seen in a long time, and have to leave and I know I won't see him/her again for a long time.

3. When someone I care about is in trouble, sick, dying, or hurt and I can't do anything to make them better.

4. When I feel like I have disappointed someone who means something to me.

5. When I feel extremely lonely, helpless, scared and feel like I have no one to turn to.

6. When I have lost someone I care about.

7. Breakups.

8. When I am in a lot of pain and feel like I just can't take it anymore.

9. PMS - during PMS I am bound to cry at the drop of a hat - lol

1 comment:

Netter said...

Oh ...this a neat idea for blog entries. I like it.

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