Wednesday, November 30, 2005

List time!

List all the celebrities you would like to sock in the face:

1. Colin Farrell - he needs to be socked!
2. Britney Spears - for marrying that trash-man and sucking so much at singing
3. Paris Hilton - for being annoying as hell
4. Sally Struthers - I think it would be fun to sock her - hehe
5. Chris Klein - for his cocky, holier-than-thou attitude
6. George Bush - (needless to say)
7. Michael Bolton - for being a no-talent ass clown
8. Brad Pitt - for the whole Jennifer Aniston/Angelina Jolie thing
9. Michael Jackson - would be fun to see if his nose would fall off
10. Eminem - for being an asshole
11. That guy on the infomercials with the question marks all over his jacket...oh, and Tony Little, too - ok, so they are not "celebrities", but I still wanna sock them!
12. Tonya Harding - for being stupid
13. Donald Trump - I just wanna hear him say "You're fired" after I hit him...and to pull off his toupee - I would be doing him a favor there!
14. Hillary Duff- for being way too perky
15. Kevin Federline - for being an unemployed moocher
16. Steven Seagal - for sucking at acting so much
17. Tori Spelling - (see above reason)
18. Paris Hilton - had to throw her in there again....I would like to smack her twice!

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