Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Chaos, terror....just another day at the mall.

Oh glorious Bakersfield. Where you can roam the streets safely...where you can leave your doors unlocked and your windows open at night...where you can shop in the mall without fear of being shot....wait a minute. I am not describing Bakersfield. I am describing Fantasy Land. Sadly, no place like that actually exists anymore. I doubt it ever really did. Unless you count Gilligan's Island. But even then, that darned Gilligan was always trying to swipe a coconut cream pie or 2 from the table, not to mention what went on between those chimpanzees and the Skipper when the cameras weren't rolling. Nothing is sacred anymore. Not even shopping. I was at my folks' house last night and my brother had the police scanner on and we heard that someone got shot in the chest (he died later on) and that fights were breaking out all over at the mall. Yes, the mall. The place where Santa Claus lets kids sit on his lap. The place where you can buy chocolate from The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. The place where you can shop for birthday cards to your heart's content. The place where you can buy racy lingerie to make your main squeeze happy. Nowhere on the mall sign does it say..."Welcome to the mall. Hope you don't get shot."

Seems like wherever you go you have to watch your back. I heard down in LA some guy got shot in the head while he was eating dinner. He was an innocent victim of a stray bullet. The world is full of crazy people, all trigger happy and loaded up on drugs or booze or maybe just plain old insanity. Some people say, "You need a gun." But, I really don't like guns. Maybe it is because I know what they can do. I watch too much CSI. There are too many crazy people out there, and the last thing they need is a gun. I think people should have to pass a sanity test before they are allowed to buy a gun. "No, I don't think JFK and RFK are conspiring to kill you, and no, I don't think that Nessie and Bigfoot are secret lovers who are really the parents of the Abominable gun for you, buster!"

Speaking of whackos, I read that some woman took out a restraining order against David Letterman....yes, THE David Letterman, citing that he used "coded words to show that he wanted to marry her and train her as his co-host." According to this woman (named Colleen Nestler, in case anyone knows her....she is nuts!!), Mr Letterman "asked her to be his wife during a televised "teaser" for his show by saying, "Marry me, Oprah." Her letter said Oprah was the first of many code names for her and that the coded vocabulary increased and changed with time." She also said that is he or any of his legal team came near her, that she would "break their legs," but this "breaking of the legs" was not a threat. HELLO!!!! Not a threat??? Holy cow, this woman is insane!!! Someone call a doctor. And don't let her buy a gun for crying out loud! (you can read the full story below, in my Stupid News Story of The Day post).

Also showing signs of insanity is Tori Spelling, who announced that she is engaged. Flashback....she just announced that she and her husband were getting a divorce not too long ago. Now suddenly she is dating AND getting engaged? Only in Hollywood people. Only in Hollywood. I guess she likes playing musical husbands or something. Well, good luck. And be sure to sign a prenup.

More signs of insanity in the world: I forgot to mention the whacko at the gas station in LA when I was on vacation. Oh, this guy was a real nut job. Chris's brother had stopped to get gas, and pulled in the empty pump behind another car. Well the guy in front of us finished pumping and left, leaving an open pump. Chris's brother was still pumping the gas when this guy just flies in the open space and comes thisclose to hitting the car. Well, the guy then backs up and pulls up again, again coming extremely close to hitting us. He then gets out of the car and is mouthing some words, which I could not make out. I figured he must have been talking to himself or maybe singing. Who knows. Well, he finishes up pumping the gas while Chris's brother goes in to pay for the gas. As the guy pulls out, he continues to mouth words, but this time I can make out some of what he is saying, and he definitely was not singing, unless it was some gansta rap in which every other word begins with "f" (if you know what I mean). As he is pulling out of the station, he turns and flips us off. I was sitting there thinking, "what is his problem???" I mean, we were just sitting there, and it wasn't like we cut in front of him or anything. We were there first. So, to this day, I have no clue why that crazy nut job flipped us the bird. I guess he was just having a bad morning or something. Only he knows.

Well, I have no road rage moment of the day to share. I know, you are thinking, "You mean nobody pissed her off this morning?" Nope. Well, at least not by means of a vehicle. I did have a major case of neighbor rage though this 2:30 am. Yes, this morning at 2-freakin-thirty-am, my next door neighbor decided to get up and play his music loud...loud enough to wake me out of my beauty sleep. So if I am REALLY ugly this morning, you know who to blame. And if anyone wants to kick his ass, I will give you his address (haha). I was SO pissed off, because I was having a really good dream about Jake Gyllenhaal and Matt Leinart giving me a sponge bath, and....well, ok...that is enough to give you an idea - hehe. I kicked the wall, hoping to make him shut the hell up,but his music was probably too loud for him to hear anything. I hope he goes deaf, the ass munch! So, I am tired this morning. I don't think any amount of caffeine will kick me into gear this morning. I hate assholes!!!!

Before I get too pissed off, here is a new list...

List the things that really make you tick:

1. Loud, inconsiderate neighbors
2. When people try to get into the elevator before I can get out of it.
3. Crowded places
4. Rude people
5. Tailgaters
6. People who cut me off when I am driving
7. People cutting in front of me in line
8. Dirty bathrooms
9. Ants
10. Knots in my hair (ouch!)

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