Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Blah, blah, blah

Ever had one of those days when you just don't feeling like doing crap? Well, today is one of those was yesterday, thus the absence of a blog entry. I did change my profile template though. I guess I actually did SOMETHING yesterday.

I am just tired...and achey. I hate it when I feel like this. I was pretty grumpy yesterday and am kind of grumpy today, too. I felt like crap yesterday, and today I don't feel much better. To make it worse, I have to go to the rheumatologist today, which means I will surely have to get a blood test. GRRRR. I hate needles.

On the positive side of it, it means I get to leave work at 2:30 today and not have to come back til tomorrow. As Napoleon Dynamite would say, "Sweet!"

I did do some productive things today. I actually worked some. Real work. I know. I am as shocked as you are.

I also changed my template. It looks pretty freakin' awesome if you ask me. I love to play around with Paint Shop Pro. It is my new obsession. I think I will have to toy around with the template a little more until I get it just right. I am such a freakin' perfectionist.

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