Friday, January 06, 2006

Sometimes I have nothing better to do than to complain...

I have nothing interesting to say today. I am tired of working on cases. I have practically been working non-stop on cases all day today. Grrrr. I just want to go home where there are no

The fog reared its ugly head today. Just when I thought that maybe, just maybe, we would get out of winter with no fog. So much for that idea. I guess Mother Nature had other plans...the bitch.

Is it me, or does that chick on the new Taco Bell commercial (you know...the one for the cheesy bean and rice burrito) seem to be mouthing the word "fuck" at the end of the commercial? Maybe it's just me...but I don't think so. For shame, Taco Bell. For shame. Do you not realize that some deaf people watch tv and that some of them can read lips? How do you edit tv for the lip readers?? Of course you know I am joking. I hate it when they edit the movies on tv. It completely ruins them, and besides, we all know what they are really saying. Get over it already you prudes! If you don't like it, don't watch it.

But I digress.

Anyway, it is finally Friday and I am pooped. I wanna go home now. I wanna lie on my bed and listen to the radio, with not a complex thought in my head. Hell, I would lie in bed all weekend, 24 hours a day if I didn't have to get up and pee and eat from time to time. Yes, that is how lazy I can be. You don't believe me? Well, I will just have to prove it. Ha ha!

I really wanna see that movie Hostel that came out today. It looks really gross-out and cring-inducing. Just the way I like my movies.

Is it time to go home yet?



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